I’m importing an existing private link to an a terraform project and in terraform documentation mention that privatelink id is needed, but I don’t know how to get it.
Do someone knows how to get it from atlas GUI or any other method?
I’ve been tried with some strings but I get this error:
Error: couldn't import peer <bad_pl_id> in project <project_id> with cloud provider name AWS, error: GET Error: couldn't import peer <bad_pl_id> in project <project_id> with cloud provider name <cloud_provider>, error: GET https://cloud.mongodb.com/api/atlas/v1.0/groups/<project_id>/privateEndpoint/<cloud_provider>/endpointService/<bad_pl_id>: 400 (request "PATH_PARAM_PARSE_ERROR") One or more path parameter in the request URI /api/atlas/v1.0/groups/<project_id>/privateEndpoint/<cloud_provider>/endpointService/<bad_pl_id> is malformed.