Hi All,
I have two collections, one being Companies and the others being Projects. I am trying to write an aggregation function that first grabs all Companies with the status of “Client”, then from there write a pipeline that will return all filtered Companies where the company._id === project.companyId, as an Array of Objects. An example of the shortened Collections are below:
_id: ObjectId(‘2341908342’),
companyName: “Meta”,
address: “123 Facebook Lane”,
_id: ObjectId(‘234123840’),
companyId: ‘2341908342’,
name: “Test Project”,
price: 97450,
_id: ObjectId(‘23413456’),
companyId: ‘2341908342’,
name: “Test Project 2”,
price: 100000,
My desired outcome after the Aggregation:
Companies and Projects
_id: ObjectId(‘2341908342’),
companyName: “Meta”,
address: “123 Facebook Lane”,
projects: [ [Object1], [Object2],
The projects field does not currently exist on the Companies collection, so I imagine we would have to add it. I also begun writing a $match function to filter by clients, but I am not sure if this is correct. I am trying to use $lookup for this but can not figure out the pipeline. Can anyone help me?
Where I’m currently stuck:
try {
const allClientsWithProjects = await companyCollection
$match: {
orgId: {
$in: [new ObjectId(req.user.orgId)],
status: { $in: [“Client”] },
$addFields: {
projects: [{}],
$lookup: { from: “projects”, (I am stuck here) },
Thank you for any help anyone can provide.