How to Multiply on search Score

I’m trying to modify the score by multiplying with aggregation but it is returning a “null” value for new_score

        '$search': {
            'index': 'default', 
            'text': {
                'query': 'Dinosaur', 
                'path': 'title'
    }, {
        '$project': {
            'title': 1, 
            'awards': '$awards.wins', 
            'score': {
                '$meta': 'searchScore'
            'new_score': {
                '$multiply': [
                    '$score', '$awards'

Output of the aggregation

  "_id": {
    "$oid": "573a139bf29313caabcf33d0"
  "title": "Dinosaur",
  "awards": 4,
  "score": 5.398964881896973,
  "new_score": null

Most likely this happens becomes you are using the field score which is computed in the same $project stage. A computed field is only available in the next stage. So rather than

I would try to replace $score with the expression you use to compute score. That is I would

'new_score': {
                '$multiply': [
                    { '$meta': 'searchScore' },
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I have just notice that awards is also computed. So try

'new_score': {
                '$multiply': [
                    { '$meta': 'searchScore' },

This worked, thank you @steevej

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