How to reduce the connections spike


I have a node.js application that uses mongodb library. I have the following script that establishes the connection to the database when the server spins up. I’m making the call to connectToDB in a singleton fashion before starting the node server. I haven’t mentioned any explicit maxPoolsize for the MongoDB driver. So, it should be using the default maxPoolsize of 100.

const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
const path = require('path');

const dbInstance = {};
const dbClient = {};
const dbConnectionCount = {};

const connectToDB = async (url, podName, eachDB) => {
  const podNameInUC = podName.toUpperCase();
  try {
    console.log(`Initiating a new connection to ${podNameInUC}_${eachDB} and in-memory connection has following keys ${Object.keys(dbInstance)}`);
    const client = new MongoClient(url);

    if (!dbConnectionCount[`${podNameInUC}_${eachDB}`]) {
      dbConnectionCount[`${podNameInUC}_${eachDB}`] = {};
    if (!dbConnectionCount[`${podNameInUC}_${eachDB}`].connection) {
      dbConnectionCount[`${podNameInUC}_${eachDB}`] = {
        connection: 0,

    client.on('connectionCreated', () => {
      dbConnectionCount[`${podNameInUC}_${eachDB}`].connection += 1;
      console.log(`Connection created. Total connections: on pod: ${podName} for DB: ${eachDB}`, dbConnectionCount[`${podNameInUC}_${eachDB}`].connection);

    client.on('connectionClosed', () => {
      dbConnectionCount[`${podNameInUC}_${eachDB}`].connection -= 1;
      console.log(`Connection closed. Total connections: on pod: ${podName} for DB: ${eachDB}`, dbConnectionCount[`${podNameInUC}_${eachDB}`].connection);
    dbInstance[`${podNameInUC}_${eachDB}`] = await client.db(eachDB);
    dbClient[`${podNameInUC}_${eachDB}`] = client;
  } catch (err) {
    console.log('Error----> ', err);
  console.log(`After: in-memory connection has following keys ${Object.keys(dbInstance)}`);

const getCollection = async (podName, dbName, collectionName) => {
  const podNameInUC = podName.toUpperCase();
  if (dbInstance[`${podNameInUC}_${dbName}`]) {
    const selectedDB = dbInstance[`${podNameInUC}_${dbName}`];
    const collection = await selectedDB.collection(collectionName);
    return collection;
  console.log(`${podNameInUC}_${dbName}`, dbInstance);
  return null;

connectToDB('mongodb://localhost:27022/', 'podName', 'dbName');
const collection = await getCollection('podName', 'dbName', 'collectionName');
const repeatedArray = Array(8100).fill(1);

Making parallel calls. Driver creates 100 connections and re-uses them for all 8100 calls (In development environment).
await Promise.all( () => {
  const docs = await collection.find({}).toArray();

In the development environment, when I make numerous parallel calls to the database, I can see that the MongoDB driver is creating at most 100 connections.

But, in our production logs, we noticed that one server has 7000+ connections.

This is the log from production

Connection created. Total connections: on pod: podName for DB: dbName 6983

What could be the reason for that? Ideally, maxPoolSize of 100 should be honored right?

We have a multi-region setup with 8 regions and 3 instances per region. Every instance makes around 180 parallel calls. And atlas dashboard shows around 4000 total connections for the database, which is reasonable(8 * 3 * 180 = 4320).

But a single server receiving 7000+ connectionCreated events is what looks good.

Looking for any inputs around this.

Thanks for your time and support.