How to Update Properties of a single Array Element.

Hello everyone,
I have been struggling with this topic for a while, maybe you have an idea how to solve this better. I am using the NodeJS SKD.

I have an array of objects, something like:

    array: [
      { name: "Obj1" }, 
      { name: "Obj2" }, 
      { name: "Obj3" }

I want to (a) update the property of a single array element and (b) after the update insert a new element into the array. 
Ideally, I would like to do this on one update operation, to save roundtrips and to avoid an inconsistent state.

What I found is, that updating works fine, as long as I do not use an aggregation:

  const { insertedId } = await col.insertOne({
    array: [{ name: "Obj1" }, { name: "Obj2" }, { name: "Obj3" }],

  await col.updateOne(
      _id: insertedId,
      $set: { "": "Update second array element only" },

The snippet above works fine and only updates the second array element. BUT if I want to do the same in an aggregation, it does not work anymore:

  const { insertedId } = await col.insertOne({
    array: [{ name: "Obj1" }, { name: "Obj2" }, { name: "Obj3" }],

  await col.updateOne(
      _id: insertedId,
        $set: { "": "Update second array element only" },

This statement will update every field in the array, create a new object with the name 1 and a property called name:

  "_id": "67939109ca5e4686dc8f2c91",
  "array": [
      "1": {
        "name": "Update second array element only"
      "name": "Obj1"
      "1": {
        "name": "Update second array element only"
      "name": "Obj2"
      "1": {
        "name": "Update second array element only"
      "name": "Obj3"

The only alternative that I have found, is to use a combination of $`arrayElemAt`  with `$mergeObject`  to select and update the array element in question and then use `$concantArray`  and `$slice`  to construct a new array:

  const { insertedId } = await col.insertOne({
    array: [{ name: "Obj1" }, { name: "Obj2" }, { name: "Obj3" }],

  await col.updateOne(
      _id: insertedId,
        $set: {
          array: {
            $concatArrays: [
                  $mergeObjects: [
                    { $arrayElemAt: ["$array", 0] },
                    { name: "Update first entry only" },
              { $slice: ["$array", 1, { $size: "$array" }] },

This solution seems to be very complicated, hard to read and extend, and gets very very complicated, if you work with nested arrays , i.e. doing an update in an array in an object of arrays.

I also find this very confusing, why does the `$set`  behave differently, depending on whether it is part of an aggregation or not.  

1. Is this desired behavior?
2. Is there a better way to achieve the same result?