How to use OIDC with Mongo Atlas


I am currently working on a proof of concept (POC) using MongoDB Atlas, and I need to link my authentication to my Identity Provider (IdP) Keycloak. I have followed all the documentation to establish this connection, and everything seems to be well-configured. However, when I try to use this authentication method in my application, I encounter the following error message:

MongoServerError: auth mechanism MONGODB-OIDC is not supported

I haven’t found much information on this topic, but I did come across MongoDB’s documentation (not specifically for Atlas) mentioning that this mechanism is reserved for MongoDB Enterprise.

How can I use this authentication mode, considering that MongoDB Atlas is the one offering it and is driving my MongoDB server and version?


What cluster tier has been deployed?

OIDC is support for M10 or higher running 7.0 (7.0.11 accoridingo to docs)

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