If I have two web-sdk realm clients, with the same change-stream filter query (watching a collection) and rules to only serve documents that are owned by the user, would that count as one change stream and two listening clients? Or would it count as two change streams (because the two clients get different documents, based on their user id)?
And “concurrent” means any client that has opened a watch stream, even if it is “idle” because there is no change activity?
I have the exact same situation as Alex, it is not clear how many change streams counts toward the limit per cluster size (M0, M2, M5, Mn) in this scenario, when one (web) realm client can potentially open more change streams than it is allowed.
What it is clear is that you can only open e.g. in the M0 tier, 5 change streams in the entire cluster regardless of how many connections to the mongodb service you have.
I want to think that since the number cap is so low per cluster size that in reality is only 1 change stream that is open but only if in the same collection regardless of many clients are listening.
Please if someone from the MongoDB team can clarify how things work, thanks.