could somebody point me to a basic tutorial for the libmongoc driver that covers the corresponding commands to CREATE DB, CREATE TABLE and INSERT?
I’m in desperate need of practical libmongoc beginners tutorial/examples designed for people still thinking in SQL terms.
OK, I was able to understand the examples now.
Took me a while to realize that databases and collections are created automatically and that I don’t have to specify table fields like I’m used to.
Have you looked at the libmongoc CRUD tutorial this walks through connecting to a database and then simple CRUD operations.
In MongoDB databases / collections are created when a document is inserted into them.
I’m in desperate need of practical libmongoc beginners tutorial/examples designed for people still thinking in SQL terms.
I would check out the SQL to MongoDB mapping chart on the MongoDB docs page.
Edit: I just saw your update…glad you figured it out!
Oh, thank you very much for your quick response. I will definitely consult those links you’ve mentioned.
Edit: 1st link seems to be exactly what I was looking for.
January 26, 2021, 10:37pm
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