Hi, beginner with Mongodb on windows10 here, not sure whether it’s the problem of GitBash or mongo shell. There are several apparent problems.
When I type between texts, the texts on the right side got taken place by the new content, instead of moving right. eg. If I try to add the “l” into “Wecome”, I get “Welome” instead of “Welcome”.
There is no mark at the start of a line, like the gitbash default $ ($ cd … ) to suggest all the commands.
After a few commands,(especially after copy and paste) mongo shell just stops responding
all the shortcuts don’t seem to work except ctrl+c
What might be the issue here?
Could be the way Git Bash is rendering your Mongo Shell. Could you provide a Screenshot of your Console?
I would recommend using powershell or a cmd emulator like cmder (https://cmder.net/) . Worked for me and I havent dealt with any “Formatting” Errors so far. Hope this helps
Yes, the issues don’t happen on powershell. However, would you recommend running mongoose commands on bash while running MongoDB on powershell? Since I am more familiar with bash as a beginner dev. Might I run into some obvious errors working this way?
If you look at the Message given in your Screenshot it seems like you are connection to your Mongo Instance with “mongo <your_instance>”. Try using “mongosh <your_instance>” instead, from your bash console.
P.S: If you are running your Mongo locally you can just use the “mongosh” Command without giving an Instance. It will automatically connect to your local Instance