Mongodb Atlas Charts: Adding date filter on history collection

I have a history collection in my mongodb. There are versioning. with query and I managed to filter in the chart. But I didn’t find a way to be able to add filter at dashboard level.
Attached screenshot of the fields to choose in the filter edit. dates are “iso”

Is there a solution?

Is there a way to show up in the filter the result of an aggregation built at the chart level?

Hi @Samir_Salibi -

Dashboard filters can only show the fields from the original data source; they do not take the chart’s query into account. But if you want to do this you can move your query into a Charts View (on the data sources page), and create a chart and dashboard filter using the View instead of the raw collection.


Thank you Tom!
The thing is that our client would like to filter from the dashboard on the table chart based on the history. If I do it in Chart view, how my client can use the filters?
In Redash for example, you choose the filter value as parameter, then they proposed to dashboard level automatically.

In this case you shouldn’t bake the filters into the Charts View pipeline, but as long as the field you want to filter on is present in the documents, you can still use a chart or dashboard filter to dynamically filter the data.