MongoDB Atlas Data API and Custom HTTPS Endpoints: End-of-Life and Deprecation

Everything Atlas Search is sticking around so Autocomplete should still work.

Best would be to move away from MongoDB. It is pretty clear they want to kill Realm in the near future.


It hurt me to see a multi-million dollar company not publishing a series of guides to migrate each of the deprecated services.

They will soon announce they will extend the deadline, sounding like they care.

For the User Auth, I thought of a solution, implement this automatic migration logic Auth0 uses:

That logic sounds smart enough, will try to do that on Cognito in the next months. But I believe it will work only for email/password auth though.


Why you do this? It cause many trouble for developers like me. We spend much time to make app with your service. Now what we do?

Big problem is you not give clear guide how to change our app. How we supposed to fix without good instruction? This make situation more bad for us.


Hi Joel,

Your comment sounds different from the content of the EOL and Deprecation notice. Any clarity you can bring to the status of the on-device database would be most helpful.

I couldn’t find the answer to this anywhere so asking here. In the Atlas UI there is a new menu item “Triggers” but it doesn’t contain any of the existing functions that were in the realm apps. Do I need to manually copy, paste, and re-enable each function that I used to have within the Realm Apps. Ideally atlas would automatically migrate these to the new place without customers needing to do anything.

Triggers are still application based. But they added a link to a triggers page without any selected application - thus you need to select an application an then go back to the triggers page.
They called it “unification of the user experiece”.

They’ve clarified elsewhere - they’ll support it for a year and then they will stop. It’ll exist with its open source license on GitHub, but no one will maintain it for us (it’s up to you and me now) and it’s unclear who will even have permission to merge changes to it.

Hi Dear @Joel_Lord, Your suggestions for Atlas Data API are completely wrong ! Even today in Vercel integration of Mongodb, Atlas Data API is used. Mongodb native Nodejs drivers are not compatible with Edge Functions of Vercel or Cloudflare, etc. If they were, we wouldn’t have used Atlas Data API at all ! Deprecating a product like Realm is different than deprecating Atlas Data API. Atlas Data API (including HTTPS custom functions) is a connecting method for Mongodb on Edge Functions. Give me 1 alternative solution and we will be fine ! There is none ! Tomorrow you may even discontinue Nodejs driver ! A database company discontinuing a connecting method completely to interface CRUD is unheard in development history ! There can be version upgrades and support for previous versions discontinued, but completely stopping an interface ! Unherad of. Please reconsider deprecating Atlas Data API and Custom HTTPS Functions OR alternatively let the Mongodb Nodejs be made compatible with Edge Functions of Vercel, Cloudflare, etc.


100% agree @Cyro_Malek. We spent over a year migrating from AWS to Mongodb and just going live this week. Unimaginable for Mongodb to depreacate Atlas Data API, HTTPS endpoints and functions ! Tomorrow they will stop triggers, then Atlas Search, then something else ! How do you trust Mongodb !


I’m still very much confused. It seems like atlas has auto-generated a new realm application called “Triggers” and that is the only one that can be shown on this new triggers page under the atlas project. The page says the list is "Linked to the App Service ‘Triggers’ " and there doesn’t seem to be a way to change it. I tried going into a Realm app , but doesn’t change what is shown on this new Triggers page, nor do I see a setting to change it. I have two other Realm apps that have triggers which aren’t shown in the list. It seems like there should just be a dropdown that lists the Realm apps and the triggers for each. From the announcement I got concerned that possibly the realm apps will be deleted, and not seeing the triggers in the new place felt like they would also get deleted. I think I’ll just wait 3mo for this to be sorted out in the UI and contact Mongo if it still seems wrong.

There are two approaches I believe MongoDB should seriously consider for Pro support customers:

  1. Continue supporting the Data API for all paying customers.

  2. Open-source the Data API so that customers can deploy and manage it on-premises with minimal impact to existing integrations.

As a Pro support customer, I expect a reasonable solution to this situation. MongoDB’s corporate clients need long-term stability and continuity in the services they rely on, and this abrupt deprecation does not reflect that.

Hi Alex, it the uncertainty of its future beyond September 2025 that I’d like to explore. I thought it was opens source now, as the phrase was “continue as an open-source project”. If it is open-source now, will MongoDB walk away next September, or will they maintain an interest and provide developer resource?

We’ve just launched our product in March after 5 years of development
 have no idea how we will survive to this