Hey! one question about this! i did all my backend with Ktor and MongoDB: i followed this tutorial: Mastering Kotlin: Creating an API With Ktor and MongoDB Atlas | MongoDB . I consume the database from MongoDB (Compass) and create an API to be consumed by my Compose Multiplatform Frontend… My question is: which alternatives do i have? The tutorial helpped me a lot. Since im Android developer and i know Kotlin & Ktor! Is something similar to use? Thanks
Hi Eduardo, like you i did the same, hoping for someone to reply specifically to your post to help you out.
We are heavily impacted by this, our app uses Device Sync on Windows/OSX + Mobile, and HTTPS Endpoints.
We basically have to switch ORMs, Servers, redirect APIs, everything.
Unfortunately Device Sync has no good replacement:
Firebase and competitors don’t work on Desktop (native Unity app). SpatialOS and other gaming solutions are gone. PlayFab and Unity Cloud Code don’t have the fast device syncing of complex subscriptions. You had something real good going here, MongoDB, that set you apart from other platforms.
It would be great if specifically Realm (the native parts) and Device Sync were made open sourced so we can evaluate running it on-premises or something else.
The coup de grace was that we were just in the process of negotiating consulting services and expert optimization efforts for our App Services related infrastructure with your sales team, and the rug was pulled out under us and them alike. I’m fine with deprecations being a reality of development, but trying to fast-track and upsell us on a dead technology just at the precise moment it was being deprecated certainly had a very bitter after taste.
Yeah, quite a shock that this thing is failing too - reminds me Parse/Facebook case.
Very unexpected move but might be a blessing for all who used it.
From migration standpoint with little bit of headacke and heavy chatGPT prompting it quite doable to move all the endpoints to AWS Lambda.
I am doing this for my apps already so I can catch all the bugs in following year
Overall it looks promising with Realm CLI and AWS CLI to move most of the parts.
If anyone have any code samples, issues or anything ping me or reply here. Will answer if have solution or really appraciate any suggestions
It’s gonna be fun ride!
Hello Rishi, we use Cloudflare Workers too and understand where you come from. We have built a solution for this. Check it out here: Launching FetchDB: A drop-in MongoDB Atlas Data API Alternative - Truto
Hi Nachi, appreciate for coming up with a solution, but paying From $30,000
/year for something we had natively included in our existing Atlas plan at no extra cost is not a solution that should be mentioned on this channel, alteast not for the small dev teams here.
It worst than Parse. At least Facebook open source Parse after they deprecate it, so the community can migrate their backend quickly.
@Joel_Lord You guys should answer the questions from users here. 2 months pass and there’s no clear solution.
Hello Rishi, FetchDB is a standalone product and is priced differently.
Sorry, I should have clarified that.
Do you mean FetchDB opensource GitHub - Etskh/fetchdb: Just a database for node that makes fetch happen is a dropin replacement for the Data API? Or Truto https://truto.one/…
The FetchDB you are referring to is something else. We have called it FetchDB too and it’s not open-source. It’s a drop-in replacement for the Data API. Please refer the blog post on how to get started: Launching FetchDB: A drop-in MongoDB Atlas Data API Alternative - Truto
To add, we are in the final stages of making it open-source and have a cloud version in the works as well. We’ll update the community shortly once it’s live.