Hi Everyone, im hope’ing i can get some information here as i am still fairly new with MongoDB, namely we recently upgraded our cluster from 5.0.26 to 6.0.18 the upgrade went well and all the Primary and Secondry (Data Holding) nodes are properly showing their version in our Atlas cloud.mongodb.com however the arbiter ones are still showing 5.0.26, so far i have attempted to restart and reload the service to no avail, as well as taking out the nodes from the cluster and adding them back using the following:
var cfg = rs.conf();
cfg.members = cfg.members.filter(member => member.host !== "c033.example.com:27021");
rs.reconfig(cfg, { force: true });
systemctl stop mongod-arbiter
rm -rf /var/lib/mongo*
waited until the console stopped showing the arbiter
systemctl start mongod-arbiter
and yet the arbiter comes back as 5.0.26 i even performed the local checks to make sure that the machine is actually on 6.0.18 as you can see below
/var/lib/mongo# /usr/bin/mongod --version
db version v6.0.18
Build Info: {
"version": "6.0.18",
"gitVersion": "2a2b949da51fa5d7402ffe31280067baf21bbbdd",
"openSSLVersion": "OpenSSL 1.1.1w 11 Sep 2023",
"modules": [],
"allocator": "tcmalloc",
"environment": {
"distmod": "debian11",
"distarch": "x86_64",
"target_arch": "x86_64"
Presence and Role:
rs.status().members.forEach(member => {
... print(`Node: ${member.name}, Role: ${member.stateStr}`);
... });
Node: server955.example.com:27018, Role: SECONDARY
Node: server964.example.com:27018, Role: PRIMARY
Node: server973.example.com:27018, Role: SECONDARY
Node: server995.example.com:27018, Role: SECONDARY
Node: c033.example.com:27021, Role: ARBITER
_id: 'example_b',
version: 81969,
term: 78,
members: [
_id: 18,
host: 'server955.example.com:27018',
arbiterOnly: false,
buildIndexes: true,
hidden: false,
priority: 1,
tags: {},
secondaryDelaySecs: Long('0'),
votes: 1
_id: 20,
host: 'server964.example.com:27018',
arbiterOnly: false,
buildIndexes: true,
hidden: false,
priority: 1,
tags: {},
secondaryDelaySecs: Long('0'),
votes: 1
_id: 21,
host: 'server973.example.com:27018',
arbiterOnly: false,
buildIndexes: true,
hidden: false,
priority: 1,
tags: {},
secondaryDelaySecs: Long('0'),
votes: 1
_id: 23,
host: 'server995.example.com:27018',
arbiterOnly: false,
buildIndexes: true,
hidden: true,
priority: 0,
tags: {},
secondaryDelaySecs: Long('0'),
votes: 1
_id: 24,
host: 'c033.example.com:27021',
arbiterOnly: true,
buildIndexes: true,
hidden: false,
priority: 0,
tags: {},
secondaryDelaySecs: Long('0'),
votes: 1
protocolVersion: Long('1'),
writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault: true,
settings: {
chainingAllowed: true,
heartbeatIntervalMillis: 2000,
heartbeatTimeoutSecs: 10,
electionTimeoutMillis: 10000,
catchUpTimeoutMillis: 60000,
catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis: 30000,
getLastErrorModes: {},
getLastErrorDefaults: { w: 1, wtimeout: 0 }
SSL handshake has read 2901 bytes and written 419 bytes
Verification: OK
New, TLSv1.3, Cipher is TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
Early data was not sent
Verify return code: 0 (ok)
And can confirm that the system is properly running 6.0.18 and yet when from the screenshot you will notice its showing as 5.0.26 is there anything specific that might be causing this or would this be something from the side of the actual Atlas. Any suggestion will be appreciated