Mongodb Compass GUI failing

Why is the GUI window of MongoDB Compass not showing on my macbook screen?

Hi. I have been able to use MongoDB very well on my macbook until now. Ever since let MongoDB Compass update itself, it will not bring up the GUI. I get a weird repeated error that says unknown option "0" (while validating preferences from: Command Line) with this repeated with the "0" replaces with “1”, “2”, “3”, “9”, “p”, “s”, and “n” with a last error of positionalArguments: "[0]" must be a string (while validating preferences from: Command line)

I would very much like to continue using Mongodb Compass in my work, but even after uninstalling and reinstalling Mongodb Compass, the same errors pop up again and no window opens with the Mongodb Compass GUI.

Please if there is any idea of how to get it working again, I would appreciate it, thank you.

Hi @Estela_Schaeffer,

Can you try the new version of compass 1.39.2 :

If the error re-appears, do you mind DM-ing me a quick video with steps on how to reproduce the error?
