MongoDB Go Driver 2.0.0 Released

The MongoDB Go Driver Team is pleased to release version 2.0.0 of the MongoDB Go Driver .

This release introduces new features and several breaking changes, such as restructuring the options package with a builder pattern and transitioning the Mongo package from Client.Connect() to mongo.Connect() for better connection handling. The event package now uses event.ServerDescription and event.TopologyDescription, and all BSON-related packages have been consolidated into a single bson package, necessitating import path updates. To assist users, a detailed migration guide is available, and support for MongoDB versions below 3.6 is deprecated. For more information please see the 2.0.0 release notes .

You can obtain the driver source from GitHub under the v2.0.0 tag .

General documentation for the MongoDB Go Driver is available on and on the MongoDB Documentation site . BSON library documentation is also available on Questions can be asked through the MongoDB Developer Community and bug reports should be filed against the Go project in the MongoDB JIRA . Your feedback on the Go driver is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

The Go Driver Team