Mongodb $lookup is not using the index even though "_id" is there on joining collection.

In our one of query aggregate, we are doing a lookup to a Customer collection using the CreatedByCustomerId. But unfortunately index is not getting used while doing the lookup and it’s doing a full scan of the customers list to map which is taking lot of time and failing to execute the query.

    $match: {
      IsInternal: false,
      CreatedOn: {
        $gte: ISODate("2025-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
        $lte: ISODate("2025-01-16T00:00:00.000Z")
    $addFields: {
      Date: {
        $toDate: {
          $dateToString: {
            date: "$CreatedOn",
            timezone: "-0400"
      LastModifiedDate: {
        $toDate: {
          $dateToString: {
            date: "$LastModifiedOn",
            timezone: "-0400"
      CreatedById: {
        $toObjectId: "$CreatedByUserId"
      CaseOwnerId: {
        $toObjectId: "$CaseOwnerUserId"
      LastUpdatedById: {
        $toObjectId: "$LastUpdatedByUserId"
    $addFields: {
      WeekNum: {
        $week: "$Date"
    $lookup: {
      from: "CaseType",
      localField: "CaseType",
      foreignField: "_id",
      as: "caseTypes"
    $addFields: {
      LastUpdatedByUserIdObjectId: {
        $toObjectId: "$LastUpdatedByUserId"
    **$lookup: {**
**      from: "Customer",**
**      localField: "CreatedByUserId",**
**      foreignField: "_id",**
**      as: "LastUpdatedBy"**
**    }**

The below is the execution plan where it’s showing while lookup it’s not using the _id index for matching.

  "explainVersion": "1",
  "stages": [
      "$cursor": {
        "queryPlanner": {
          "namespace": "storedb.Case",
          "indexFilterSet": false,
          "parsedQuery": {
            "$and": [
              { "IsInternal": { "$eq": false } },
                "CreatedOn": {
                  "$lte": "2025-01-16T00:00:00.000Z"
                "CreatedOn": {
                  "$gte": "2025-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
          "queryHash": "59F73638",
          "planCacheKey": "B94FE186",
          "maxIndexedOrSolutionsReached": false,
          "maxIndexedAndSolutionsReached": false,
          "maxScansToExplodeReached": false,
          "winningPlan": {
            "stage": "FETCH",
            "inputStage": {
              "stage": "IXSCAN",
              "keyPattern": {
                "IsInternal": 1,
                "CreatedOn": -1
              "indexName": "IsInternal_1_CreatedOn_-1",
              "collation": {
                "locale": "en",
                "caseLevel": false,
                "caseFirst": "off",
                "strength": 3,
                "numericOrdering": false,
                "alternate": "non-ignorable",
                "maxVariable": "punct",
                "normalization": false,
                "backwards": false,
                "version": "57.1"
              "isMultiKey": false,
              "multiKeyPaths": {
                "IsInternal": [],
                "CreatedOn": []
              "isUnique": false,
              "isSparse": false,
              "isPartial": false,
              "indexVersion": 2,
              "direction": "forward",
              "indexBounds": {
                "IsInternal": ["[false, false]"],
                "CreatedOn": [
                  "[new Date(1736985600000), new Date(1735689600000)]"
          "rejectedPlans": [
              "stage": "FETCH",
              "filter": {
                "IsInternal": { "$eq": false }
              "inputStage": {
                "stage": "IXSCAN",
                "keyPattern": { "CreatedOn": -1 },
                "indexName": "CreatedOn_-1",
                "isMultiKey": false,
                "multiKeyPaths": {
                  "CreatedOn": []
                "isUnique": false,
                "isSparse": false,
                "isPartial": false,
                "indexVersion": 2,
                "direction": "forward",
                "indexBounds": {
                  "CreatedOn": [
                    "[new Date(1736985600000), new Date(1735689600000)]"
        "executionStats": {
          "executionSuccess": true,
          "nReturned": 428,
          "executionTimeMillis": 85825,
          "totalKeysExamined": 428,
          "totalDocsExamined": 428,
          "executionStages": {
            "stage": "FETCH",
            "nReturned": 428,
            "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 8,
            "works": 429,
            "advanced": 428,
            "needTime": 0,
            "needYield": 0,
            "saveState": 9,
            "restoreState": 9,
            "isEOF": 1,
            "docsExamined": 428,
            "alreadyHasObj": 0,
            "inputStage": {
              "stage": "IXSCAN",
              "nReturned": 428,
              "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 0,
              "works": 429,
              "advanced": 428,
              "needTime": 0,
              "needYield": 0,
              "saveState": 9,
              "restoreState": 9,
              "isEOF": 1,
              "keyPattern": {
                "IsInternal": 1,
                "CreatedOn": -1
              "indexName": "IsInternal_1_CreatedOn_-1",
              "collation": {
                "locale": "en",
                "caseLevel": false,
                "caseFirst": "off",
                "strength": 3,
                "numericOrdering": false,
                "alternate": "non-ignorable",
                "maxVariable": "punct",
                "normalization": false,
                "backwards": false,
                "version": "57.1"
              "isMultiKey": false,
              "multiKeyPaths": {
                "IsInternal": [],
                "CreatedOn": []
              "isUnique": false,
              "isSparse": false,
              "isPartial": false,
              "indexVersion": 2,
              "direction": "forward",
              "indexBounds": {
                "IsInternal": ["[false, false]"],
                "CreatedOn": [
                  "[new Date(1736985600000), new Date(1735689600000)]"
              "keysExamined": 428,
              "seeks": 1,
              "dupsTested": 0,
              "dupsDropped": 0
      "nReturned": 428,
      "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 8
      "$addFields": {
        "Date": {
          "$convert": {
            "input": {
              "$dateToString": {
                "date": "$CreatedOn",
                "timezone": { "$const": "-0400" }
            "to": { "$const": "date" }
        "LastModifiedDate": {
          "$convert": {
            "input": {
              "$dateToString": {
                "date": "$LastModifiedOn",
                "timezone": { "$const": "-0400" }
            "to": { "$const": "date" }
        "CreatedById": {
          "$convert": {
            "input": "$CreatedByUserId",
            "to": { "$const": "objectId" }
        "CaseOwnerId": {
          "$convert": {
            "input": "$CaseOwnerUserId",
            "to": { "$const": "objectId" }
        "LastUpdatedById": {
          "$convert": {
            "input": "$LastUpdatedByUserId",
            "to": { "$const": "objectId" }
      "nReturned": 428,
      "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 11
      "$addFields": {
        "WeekNum": {
          "$week": { "date": "$Date" }
      "nReturned": 428,
      "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 11
      "$lookup": {
        "from": "CaseType",
        "as": "caseTypes",
        "localField": "CaseType",
        "foreignField": "_id"
      "totalDocsExamined": 428,
      "totalKeysExamined": 428,
      "collectionScans": 0,
      "indexesUsed": ["_id_"],
      "nReturned": 428,
      "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 162
      "$addFields": {
        "LastUpdatedByUserIdObjectId": {
          "$convert": {
            "input": "$LastUpdatedByUserId",
            "to": { "$const": "objectId" }
      "nReturned": 428,
      "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 162
**      "$lookup": {**
**        "from": "Customer",**
**        "as": "LastUpdatedBy",**
**        "localField": "CreatedByUserId",**
**        "foreignField": "_id"**
**      },**
**      "totalDocsExamined": 110029838,**
**      "totalKeysExamined": 0,**
**      "collectionScans": 856,**
**      "indexesUsed": [],**
**      "nReturned": 428,**
**      "executionTimeMillisEstimate": 85819**
**    }**
  "serverInfo": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 27017,
    "version": "5.0.30",
    "gitVersion": "966efda23d779a86c76c34e1b13e561d68f2bb37"
  "serverParameters": {
    "internalQueryFacetBufferSizeBytes": 104857600,
    "internalQueryFacetMaxOutputDocSizeBytes": 104857600,
    "internalLookupStageIntermediateDocumentMaxSizeBytes": 104857600,
    "internalDocumentSourceGroupMaxMemoryBytes": 104857600,
    "internalQueryMaxBlockingSortMemoryUsageBytes": 104857600,
    "internalQueryProhibitBlockingMergeOnMongoS": 0,
    "internalQueryMaxAddToSetBytes": 104857600,
    "internalDocumentSourceSetWindowFieldsMaxMemoryBytes": 104857600
  "command": {
    "aggregate": "Case",
    "pipeline": [
        "$match": {
          "IsInternal": false,
          "CreatedOn": {
            "$gte": "2025-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
            "$lte": "2025-01-16T00:00:00.000Z"
        "$addFields": {
          "Date": {
            "$toDate": {
              "$dateToString": {
                "date": "$CreatedOn",
                "timezone": "-0400"
          "LastModifiedDate": {
            "$toDate": {
              "$dateToString": {
                "date": "$LastModifiedOn",
                "timezone": "-0400"
          "CreatedById": {
            "$toObjectId": "$CreatedByUserId"
          "CaseOwnerId": {
            "$toObjectId": "$CaseOwnerUserId"
          "LastUpdatedById": {
            "$toObjectId": "$LastUpdatedByUserId"
        "$addFields": {
          "WeekNum": { "$week": "$Date" }
        "$lookup": {
          "from": "CaseType",
          "localField": "CaseType",
          "foreignField": "_id",
          "as": "caseTypes"
        "$addFields": {
          "LastUpdatedByUserIdObjectId": {
            "$toObjectId": "$LastUpdatedByUserId"
        "$lookup": {
          "from": "Customer",
          "localField": "CreatedByUserId",
          "foreignField": "_id",
          "as": "LastUpdatedBy"
    "cursor": {},
    "maxTimeMS": 60000,
    "$db": "storedb"
  "ok": 1,
  "$clusterTime": {
    "clusterTime": {
      "$timestamp": "7464851334534004740"
    "signature": {
      "hash": "6vyWA1OpaQYwyQ/KND2bDe5s5yU=",
      "keyId": {
        "low": 2,
        "high": 1724960866,
        "unsigned": false
  "operationTime": {
    "$timestamp": "7464851334534004740"

We have verified that the local field and the foreign fields are both string (Please find the screen shot below of both local and customers _id fileds data types).

Please let us know if there is something we are missing out here (why index _id is not getting applied on lookup to customers)

One observation: When we try to convert the local field from string to Object Id use for mapping in lookup it’s applying the index but it’s not matching any data even though data is there in customers collection.