MongoDB Perth: An Introduction to MongoDB

About this event

It’s finally here! The first long-awaited event of the Perth chapter of Mongo DB! We will have two amazing speakers, yummy food and, most importantly, a space to meet each other and share interests. Doors open at 5:30 pm and the first talk will start at 6 pm.

- Speaker 1 6 pm : Rohan Walia Solutions Architect at MongoDB

Topic: MongoDB Back to Basics & Atlas Search

To introduce our first event, Rohan will be revisiting the foundational concepts of the world’s most popular NoSQL database, MongoDB, and explain how you can leverage the MongoDB Atlas & Cloud to build modern, data-driven applications.

- Speaker 2 6:40pm: Alexander Karan CTO at ClimateClever

Topic: Build an API in 15 Minutes with MongoDB

Using the MongoDB Node Driver, let’s build a REST API with MongoDB. Alexander will take you through some fundamental features of MongoDB, such as the query language and tools such as Compass, Charts and Atlas.

Food and drink to be provided by our amazing sponsors MongoDB!

As per Covid restrictions, spaces are limited, so we recommend coming early. Also, if you rsvp, please show up or cancel at least 24h beforehand to let somebody else take the spot.

We are really excited to meet you all!!


Rohan Walia

Rohan Walia

MongoDB, Solutions Architect

Alexander Karan

Alexander Karan

ClimateClever, CTO