I followed some instructions that was in Github Issue " CLibMongoC compilation fails when SPM package used in an Xcode project #387" to download the MongoDB Swift Driver project, build, and then add it to a workspace. I did since I kept having issues in Xcode when I tried adding the package dependencies.
Before I moved the .xcodeproj to the workspace, I did build it, and it had no issues. Then I moved the entire mongo-swift-driver-master folder that includes the mongo .xcodeproj into my Xcode folder that is for my other Xcode project. I then built the mongo .xcodeproj and again had no issues. The issue occurs when I move the mongo .xcodeproj to the workspace and then build again.
The issue I am having is the below:
Missing ‘#include “/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator13.5.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Headers/SecureTransport.h”’; declaration of ‘SSLContextRef’ must be imported from module ‘Security.SecureTransport’ before it is required
Could someone provide some assistance please?