Mongodbb-enterprise-operator add monitoring agent

I am implementing in a kubernetes environment a mongodb enterprise helm deployment. My kubernetes has a custom dns (
I customized as specified in the documentation the MongoDBOpsManager deployment with

However when starting my MongoDBOpsManager deployment the database does not initialize.
The customization of the dns is taken into account when generating the connectionstring. However when I go to consult the logs of mongodbb-enterprise-operator I see that the addition of the agent does not work because it does not have its custom url:

DEBUG operator/appdbreplicaset_controller.go:612 Added monitoring agent configuration {"ReplicaSet (AppDB)": "mongodb-operator/ops-manager-db", "host": "ops-manager-db-0.ops-manager-db-svc.mongodb-operator.svc.cluster.local", "tls": false}

But an other step has the goog url.

DEBUG operator/mongodbopsmanager_controller.go:873 Configured property {"OpsManager": "mongodb-operator/ops-manager", "mms.centralUrl": " :8080"}

Can you help me for solve my problem

My error is on the version of helm.
I pass 1.16.3 to 1.29.0, now it’s ok