We are pleased to announce the 3.3.0 release of Motor - MongoDB’s Asynchronous Python Driver. This release brings support for PyMongo 4.5 and Python 3.12.
See the changelog for a high-level summary of what is in this release or see the Motor 3.3.0 release notes in JIRA for the complete list of resolved issues.
Is there any documentation on how to use the type hints? This fails:
def mongo_client() -> AsyncIOMotorClient: # <- Variable "motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient" is not valid as a type [valid-type]mypy(error)
return AsyncIOMotorClient(os.environ["MONGO_URI"])
I can type it as a motor.core.AgnosticClient, but that just leads to other type errors.
I more or less figured it out. From what I can tell AgnosticCursor.to_list() is not fully typed, and also AgnosticConnection.find_one() typing fails for me with mypy 1.5.1.
Some documentation here would be nice, because I had to dig through code to figure this out.
Upgrading motor from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 causes our process to crash with following error stack
File "/home/insiderinternal/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/motor/motor_asyncio.py", line 53, in <module>
AsyncIOMotorCollection = create_asyncio_class(core.AgnosticCollection)
File "/home/insiderinternal/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/motor/motor_asyncio.py", line 41, in create_asyncio_class
return create_class_with_framework(cls, asyncio_framework, "motor.motor_asyncio")
File "/home/insiderinternal/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/motor/metaprogramming.py", line 289, in create_class_with_framework
new_class_attr = attr.create_attribute(new_class, name)
File "/home/insiderinternal/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/motor/metaprogramming.py", line 153, in create_attribute
method = getattr(cls.__delegate_class__, name)
AttributeError: type object 'Collection' has no attribute 'create_search_index'
We are using mongodb 6.0.3, and motor as python’s asynchronous library interface.
Hi @Shashank_Nigam, it looks like your upgrade didn’t pick up the new requirement of pymongo>=4.5,<5. What command(s) did you use to upgrade? In the mean time, you can install the latest pymongo manually as pip install --upgrade pymongo.