.NET Driver 2.25.0 Released

This is the general availability release for the 2.25.0 version of the driver.

NOTICE: MongoDB 3.6 reached end-of-life in April 2021. The .NET/C# Driver will be removing support for MongoDB 3.6 in an upcoming release.

The main new features in 2.25.0 include:

  • Support of MONGODB-OIDC Authentication mechanism - CSHARP-4448
  • MONGODB-OIDC: Automatic token acquisition for Azure Identity Provider - CSHARP-4474
  • Improved error message when no matching constructor found - CSHARP-5007
  • Driver Container and Kubernetes Awareness - CSHARP-4718
  • Logging of executed MQL for a LINQ query - CSHARP-4684
  • Allow custom service names with srvServiceName URI option - CSHARP-3745
  • BulkWrite enumerates requests argument only once - CSHARP-1378
  • Support of Range Explicit Encryption - CSHARP-5009
  • Multiple bug fixes and improvements.

The full list of issues resolved in this release is available at CSHARP JIRA project.

Documentation on the .NET driver can be found here.

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