.NET Entity Framework Core Provider 8.2.1 Released

This is the general availability release for the 8.2.1 version of the provider.

The main new features in 8.2.1 include:

  • Supports Entity Framework shadow properties EF-42
  • CreateDatabase now creates indexes defined with CreateIndex EF-173
  • Supports MQL.Exists/IsMissing/IsNullOrMissing in LINQ queries EF-178

Additionally this release also:

  • Fixes OfType in LINQ calls to correctly use metadata in subsequent methods EF-180
  • Updates the MongoDB C# Driver version from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0
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What are the plans to get MongoDB.EntityframeworkCore updated to EF Core 9? This version doesn’t work with EF Core 9.

The current plan is to continue with EF8 support until we have addressed the remaining missing features (select projections, groupby, aggregations etc) before moving on to EF9.

Is there some specific feature or requirement that you are needing to use EF9 for?