Using the .NET SDK… trying to get a max value of a field from a collection with a filter. Effectively it looks like…
realm.All<MyCollection>().Where(e => e.FilterField == filterValue).Max(e => e.VersionNumber);
What my memory profiler is telling me is that the objects that match the filter are being instantiated in order to retrieve the Version number. And there are a LOT of records in these collections.
Is there a way that I can query my collection to retrieve ONLY the VersionNumber field w/o the entity objects being instantiated?
Using the .NET SDK, is there a way to run a find() against my local realm with a projection to only return the VersionNumber field? I know I can connect to the MongoDb cluster and execute the find(), but I’m specifically talking about against my local realm instance. I cannot seem to find in the most current version anything other than the LINQ methods which I where I am now.