Hey there, can you provide the mutation that you’re running and the associated schema? I think what you’re looking for is https://www.mongodb.com/docs/realm/schemas/enforce-a-schema/#validate-null-types which will allow you to explicitly pass in null for optional types but please let me know if your question is different
“data”: {
“aliasOrgIncident”: null
“errors”: [
“message”: “(ConflictingUpdateOperators) Updating the path ‘location’ would create a conflict at ‘location’”,
“locations”: [
“line”: 4,
“column”: 17
“path”: [
But if I update the description without the longitude_unset/latitude_unset it works. It also works if I update
longitude_unset/latitude_unset without the description. It’s just when it’s together that it gives me the error. Do you know why?
This post has the same question but there’s no replies: