Power Automate Find Document Doesn't Return... a Document

Any idea why this filter doesn’t return a document when a similar filter returns a document in Atlas?

Hi @Joel_Zehring :wave:

I’ve not familiarised myself with Power Automate as per your post title but from a quick google it appears to be workflow automation software / service from Microsoft but please correct me if I am wrong here.

When you state “similar” filter, have you tried using the same filter that you’ve used in Atlas? In addition to this, when you state Atlas, do you mean the Atlas Data explorer UI?

Another thing I have noticed, although it might not be the exact reason, is that the ObjectId() is inside double quotes. Have you tried without the double quotes? I.e. ObjectId('6487b46a56301af798b9a025')


Thanks for your reply @Jason_Tran!

You’re correct on Power Automate. Think Azure Logic Apps, but targeted to business users.

Also, yes, I was referring to Atlas Data explorer UI.

Finally, removing the quotes raises a validation error as the Find Document action expects the value of the “filter” field to be valid JSON.

The MongoDB connector in Power Automate is relatively new (still in preview), so there’s not a lot of documentation to go off of yet.

Thanks again!

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How about:

{ "_id" : { "$oid" : "6487b46a56301af798b9a025" } }


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That worked!


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Glad to hear and thanks for confirming Joel :slight_smile:

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