I am using mongo 5.0.18, I have enabled profiling level 1 slowms 1000. i have changed system log verbosity level to 1. Now if i check system.profile i am getting queries which are executed less than the given threshold(1000) ,
I have observed update, insert queries in system.profile collection which are executed in 0ms .
Can you please explain why i am getting these queries in system.profile,
and also solution for not getting less than threshold queries to profiler even though system log verbosity is increased.
Thanks in advance.
Have you enabled before profiler in that collection?
If you have enabled it before, maybe there are old queries in the system.profile collection.
i have enabled previously and then changed to the new threshold(1000).
I found queries with latest timestamp with millis 0.
Surely when activating the profiler and then putting the filter on, queries were recorded without any type of filter and therefore 0ms queries were recorded.
Okey, so you must drop the collection and then recreate the profiler:
Execute this to:
db.setProfilingLevel(0) → Avoid register more data in the profiler.
db.system.profile.drop() → This command drops the collection.
and then you must set the profiling level and the filters as you wish.
You can also try filtering by millis instead of slowms.
Give me some feedback about it.
Thanks in advanced
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