In the service I’m working on there are two collections (collection1
& collection2
). They are more or less comparable in the number of documents (15 M vs 12 M). But average size of document is about 10 times different (800 B vs 8 kB). I need to make a query that returns about 45k documents. It takes about 1-3 seconds on collection1 (acceptable in my task) and 25-30 seconds on collection2 (too slow).
Now, the query that I’m making has a projection for only several fields. But according to explain, I see that it performs FETCH first and only then projection is applied. And this FETCH stage takes all the time, I guess because it takes the whole document which is rather big in this collection. And only then projection is applied.
I’ve tried to create an index that covers all the fields that I’m projecting. But mongo ignores it. And if I specify it with the .hint()
it is still doing that FETCH stage. I wonder if there is anything I can do to improve performance of collection2 query.
I’m running MongoDB 5.0.26 Enterprise (on Atlas)
Below are some execution stats
The example of query I’m making:
db.collection|1 or 2|.find
{'ClientId': 'foobar', TimeStamp: {'$gte': ISODate('2021-01-01T00:03:43+00:00'), '$lte': ISODate('2024-05-14T22:30:15+00:00')},
{'Field1': 1, 'Field2': 1, 'TimeStamp': 1, '_id': 0, 'sub.document.field': 1}
Execution stats on collection1 (just for reference)
executionSuccess: true,
nReturned: 44117,
executionTimeMillis: 1745,
totalKeysExamined: 44117,
totalDocsExamined: 44117,
executionStages: {
nReturned: 44117,
executionTimeMillisEstimate: 1539,
works: 44118,
advanced: 44117,
needTime: 0,
needYield: 0,
saveState: 123,
restoreState: 123,
isEOF: 1,
transformBy: {
Field1: 1,
Field2: 1,
TimeStamp: 1,
_id: 0,
'sub.document.field': 1
inputStage: {
stage: 'FETCH',
nReturned: 44117,
executionTimeMillisEstimate: 1454,
works: 44118,
advanced: 44117,
needTime: 0,
needYield: 0,
saveState: 123,
restoreState: 123,
isEOF: 1,
docsExamined: 44117,
alreadyHasObj: 0,
inputStage: {
stage: 'IXSCAN',
nReturned: 44117,
executionTimeMillisEstimate: 117,
works: 44118,
advanced: 44117,
needTime: 0,
needYield: 0,
saveState: 123,
restoreState: 123,
isEOF: 1,
keyPattern: {
ClientId: 1,
TimeStamp: 1
indexName: 'ClientId_1_TimeStamp_1',
isMultiKey: false,
multiKeyPaths: {
ClientId: [],
TimeStamp: []
isUnique: true,
isSparse: false,
isPartial: false,
indexVersion: 2,
direction: 'forward',
indexBounds: {
ClientId: [
'["foobar", "foobar"]'
TimeStamp: [
'[new Date(1609459423000), new Date(1715725815000)]'
keysExamined: 44117,
seeks: 1,
dupsTested: 0,
dupsDropped: 0
Execution stats on collection2
executionSuccess: true,
nReturned: 44079,
executionTimeMillis: 26309,
totalKeysExamined: 44079,
totalDocsExamined: 44079,
executionStages: {
nReturned: 44079,
executionTimeMillisEstimate: 25661,
works: 44080,
advanced: 44079,
needTime: 0,
needYield: 0,
saveState: 1633,
restoreState: 1633,
isEOF: 1,
transformBy: {
Field1: 1,
Field2: 1,
TimeStamp: 1,
_id: 0,
'sub.document.field': 1
inputStage: {
stage: 'FETCH',
nReturned: 44079,
executionTimeMillisEstimate: 25298,
works: 44080,
advanced: 44079,
needTime: 0,
needYield: 0,
saveState: 1633,
restoreState: 1633,
isEOF: 1,
docsExamined: 44079,
alreadyHasObj: 0,
inputStage: {
stage: 'IXSCAN',
nReturned: 44079,
executionTimeMillisEstimate: 323,
works: 44080,
advanced: 44079,
needTime: 0,
needYield: 0,
saveState: 1633,
restoreState: 1633,
isEOF: 1,
keyPattern: {
ClientId: 1,
TimeStamp: 1
indexName: 'ClientId_1_TimeStamp_1',
isMultiKey: false,
multiKeyPaths: {
ClientId: [],
TimeStamp: []
isUnique: true,
isSparse: false,
isPartial: false,
indexVersion: 2,
direction: 'forward',
indexBounds: {
ClientId: [
'["foobar", "foobar"]'
TimeStamp: [
'[new Date(1609459423000), new Date(1715725815000)]'
keysExamined: 44079,
seeks: 1,
dupsTested: 0,
dupsDropped: 0
Execution stats on collection2 with hint for the index with all projected fields
executionSuccess: true,
nReturned: 44079,
executionTimeMillis: 24570,
totalKeysExamined: 117765,
totalDocsExamined: 44079,
executionStages: {
nReturned: 44079,
executionTimeMillisEstimate: 24286,
works: 117766,
advanced: 44079,
needTime: 73686,
needYield: 0,
saveState: 1500,
restoreState: 1500,
isEOF: 1,
transformBy: {
Field1: 1,
Field2: 1,
TimeStamp: 1,
_id: 0,
'sub.document.field': 1
inputStage: {
stage: 'FETCH',
nReturned: 44079,
executionTimeMillisEstimate: 23882,
works: 117766,
advanced: 44079,
needTime: 73686,
needYield: 0,
saveState: 1500,
restoreState: 1500,
isEOF: 1,
docsExamined: 44079,
alreadyHasObj: 0,
inputStage: {
stage: 'IXSCAN',
nReturned: 44079,
executionTimeMillisEstimate: 316,
works: 117766,
advanced: 44079,
needTime: 73686,
needYield: 0,
saveState: 1500,
restoreState: 1500,
isEOF: 1,
keyPattern: {
ClientId: 1,
TimeStamp: 1,
Field1: 1,
Field2: 1,
'sub.document.field': 1
indexName: 'ClientId_1_TimeStamp_1_Field1_1_Field2_1_sub.document.field_1',
isMultiKey: true,
multiKeyPaths: {
ClientId: [],
TimeStamp: [],
Field1: [],
Field2: [],
'sub.document.field': [
isUnique: false,
isSparse: false,
isPartial: false,
indexVersion: 2,
direction: 'forward',
indexBounds: {
ClientId: [
'["foobar", "foobar"]'
TimeStamp: [
'[new Date(1609459423000), new Date(1715725815000)]'
Field1: [
'[MinKey, MaxKey]'
Field2: [
'[MinKey, MaxKey]'
'sub.document.field': [
'[MinKey, MaxKey]'
keysExamined: 117765,
seeks: 1,
dupsTested: 117765,
dupsDropped: 73686