Query for fts unicode

I am unable to find any queries that utilize the functions inside the file:

Functions being invoked:

if (size_t(endIt - inputIt) >= ByteVector::size) {
    std::ofstream file("/home/mohakg/benchmark/log.txt", std::ios::app);
    if (file.is_open()) {
        file << "Inside if called" << std::endl;

    // Attempt a fast path for processing 16 consecutive ASCII bytes.
    auto word = ByteVector::load(&*inputIt);

    // Count the number of ASCII bytes.
    uint32_t usableBytes = ByteVector::countInitialZeros(word.maskHigh());
    if (usableBytes) {
        if (!(options & kCaseSensitive)) {
            if (mode == CaseFoldMode::kTurkish) {
                ByteVector::Mask iMask = word.compareEQ('I').maskAny();
                if (iMask) {
                    usableBytes = std::min(usableBytes, ByteVector::countInitialZeros(iMask));
            // Identify uppercase letters and convert them to lowercase.
            ByteVector uppercaseMask = word.compareGT('A' - 1) & word.compareLT('Z' + 1);
            word |= (uppercaseMask & ByteVector(0x20));  // Apply lowercase transformation.

        if (!(options & kDiacriticSensitive)) {
            ByteVector::Mask diacriticMask =
                word.compareEQ('^').maskAny() | word.compareEQ('`').maskAny();
            if (diacriticMask) {
                usableBytes = std::min(usableBytes, ByteVector::countInitialZeros(diacriticMask));

        outputIt += usableBytes;
        inputIt += usableBytes;
        if (usableBytes == ByteVector::size)
    // If execution reaches this point, inputIt is at a byte requiring special handling—
    // either it is non-ASCII or a diacritic that needs removal.