Real time Hospital Management System using MongoDB Atlas & Realm

Overview of My Submission:

:confetti_ball:The purpose of this project is to have a real time use case hospital management system with data analytics admin dashboard using MongoDB Atlas & Realm there.

Features: :gear:

You can record patient data, view /search, update and remove it.

Not only CURD Operation…

it's have real time Data analyze admin page

daily at 7AM send report notification email to doctor/admin

Link to Code::sparkles:


{% github GitHub - jacksonkasi0/Hospital-Management-System-with-mongoDB-Realm: real time hospital management system %}

Website Link: Hospital Management System

Passw0rd: samanta@123

Technologies Used::hammer_and_wrench:

  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • EJS
  • NodeJS
  • Express JS
  • Chart JS
  • MongoDB Atlas
  • MongoDB Realm
  • MongoDB Realm Triggers & Function
  • Mongoose
  • Heroku
  • nodemailer@6.4.10 is support on MonogoDB Realm
  • body-parser
  • dotenv
  • passport
  • passport-local-mongoose


Guys, I’m will add a new future.

It is a MongoDB trigger function, that helps inform the patient of the doctor appointment time at one day ago.

And also, real time Data analyze admin page
& send report to doctor mail

But the truth is, I’m will be start to learn about MongoDB Trigger function and Realm.:grin::sweat_smile:

yeah! I will be finish… :dart::sunglasses:

I’m done as I said.
Everything is ready as stated above🚀

Video: :movie_camera:

{% youtube hospital management system with Data Analytics Admin Dashboard using MongoDB Atlas & MongoDB Realm - YouTube %}

Now new version 2.0

part-0: how to create new admin/doctor account

{% youtube Real time 🔥 Hospital Management System 🐱‍👤 using MongoDB Atlas & Realm - part 1 - YouTube %}


{% youtube Real time 🔥 Hospital Management System 🐱‍👤 using MongoDB Atlas & Realm - part 2 - YouTube %}


{% youtube Real time 🔥 Hospital Management System 🐱‍👤 using MongoDB Atlas & Realm - part 3 - YouTube %}

Additional Resources / Info::orange_book:

I made a small mistake at the time, now ok.
No longer will it work at exactly 7 AM ( Indian time based )…

There are many thoughts to improve it, I am going to improve it further with React JS…

What is your opinion on this? Can you tell me a little bit! :grin:


Hey Jackson, let me know when the site up as I’m getting exceptions with samantha credentials. I’m curious if you are also capturing doctors notes, comments etc. entered during patient visits? I like your project. Thanks, AR

Hi Jackson - this looks like a great project and lots of detail, however, it doesn’t follow the theme of the Hackathon which is Data as News and using the GDELT dataset.

Given your obvious experience with MongoDB, perhaps you could re-configure your project? If healthcare is your space, then perhaps using the GDELT dataset to examine health based events globally?

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yeah! I will start right now :slightly_smiling_face:

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