Overview of My Submission:
The purpose of this project is to have a real time use case hospital management system with data analytics admin dashboard using MongoDB Atlas & Realm there.
You can record patient data, view /search, update and remove it.
Not only CURD Operation…
it's have real time Data analyze admin page
daily at 7AM send report notification email to doctor/admin
Link to Code:
{% github GitHub - jacksonkasi0/Hospital-Management-System-with-mongoDB-Realm: real time hospital management system %}
Website Link: Hospital Management System
E-mail: dr.samanta@apollo.com
Passw0rd: samanta@123
Technologies Used:
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- NodeJS
- Express JS
- Chart JS
- MongoDB Atlas
- MongoDB Realm
- MongoDB Realm Triggers & Function
- Mongoose
- Heroku
- nodemailer@6.4.10 is support on MonogoDB Realm
- body-parser
- dotenv
- passport
- passport-local-mongoose
Guys, I’m will add a new future.
It is a MongoDB trigger function, that helps inform the patient of the doctor appointment time at one day ago.
And also, real time Data analyze admin page
& send report to doctor mail
But the truth is, I’m will be start to learn about MongoDB Trigger function and Realm.
yeah! I will be finish…
I’m done as I said.
Everything is ready as stated above🚀
{% youtube hospital management system with Data Analytics Admin Dashboard using MongoDB Atlas & MongoDB Realm - YouTube %}
Now new version 2.0
part-0: how to create new admin/doctor account
{% youtube Real time 🔥 Hospital Management System 🐱👤 using MongoDB Atlas & Realm - part 1 - YouTube %}
{% youtube Real time 🔥 Hospital Management System 🐱👤 using MongoDB Atlas & Realm - part 2 - YouTube %}
{% youtube Real time 🔥 Hospital Management System 🐱👤 using MongoDB Atlas & Realm - part 3 - YouTube %}
Additional Resources / Info:
I made a small mistake at the time, now ok.
No longer will it work at exactly 7 AM ( Indian time based )…
There are many thoughts to improve it, I am going to improve it further with React JS…
What is your opinion on this? Can you tell me a little bit!