Realm April Newsletter: Flutter and React enhancements, Kotlin guides, and more


The first quarter of the year is behind us. As we look ahead to what the rest of 2022 holds, here’s what’s new at Realm.

Recent product updates

Improved Local-Only to Sync Experience

We’re introducing the ability to add synchronization to your local-only Realm app to make the upgrade process effortless. Right now, we’ve released support for JS and Swift with other SDKs coming soon.

Change notifications now available in Realm Flutter

Developers using the Realm Flutter SDK can now watch for changes at the Realm, collection, or object level with change notifications.

Import realm directly using @realm/react

React Native developers can get started even quicker with the new @realm/react library. Follow along with Realm Engineer, Andrew Meyer’s 80 line example of how to create a simple task manager using the library.

Realm in the news

How Flobiz uses Realm to digitize millions of SMBs in India

Check out how Flobiz used Realm to build a rich and fully featured mobile application. And how Realm’s native sync functionality made it effortless to sync data between the mobile device itself and the backend database, whether users were online or offline.

Tutorials, guides, and more

Build a collaborative iOS Minesweeper Game with RealmLearn how to build an iOS multiplayer version of the classic Windows game.

Migrating Android Apps from the Realm Java SDK to the Kotlin SDK - Looking to migrate to our Realm Kotlin SDK? This guide covers the most important changes you need to make when migrating from Realm Java to Realm Kotlin.

From Zero to Mobile Developer in 40 Minutes - Follow along with Andrew Morgan’s latest video showing how to build your first iOS app using SwiftUI and Realm.

Register for the “Data as News” hackathon – From April 11 to May 20, MongoDB is challenging YOU to make sense of one of the world’s largest datasets, the GDELT Project. Put on your thinking cap and bring your ideas to life – any project using Realm with mobile sync to MongoDB Atlas counts :slight_smile:

Thanks for reading! Remember, you can always connect with us on Twitter, forums, etc. for more updates.

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