Realm Database 6.0 is now GA, with a significant increase in performance and Frozen Objects for multithreading integration. In addition to this, we’ve updated the following SDK’s -
Codewize, I had to change one line of code on iOS and nothing on Android. Except for the initial crash on iOS, both apps seem to run fine!
What performance improvements are we talking about? Do you have any measurements on these?
Can’t wait to test out the freezed objects and to see what you have in store for the public beta of Atlas sync. I am not live with Realm Cloud and have decided to hold off on doing this until the beta.
I was Waiting eagerly for release of Realm Database 6.0 for dotnet. But didn’t get any updates on dotnet sdk. Does this mean dotnet is not in priority list of MongoDB Realm.
(x axis is percentage of runtime, so the first one took 1.7% as long with core 6 as with core 5, and the last one took 120% as long)
Overall we expect apps which were previously bottlenecked on our object deletion or sort performance to be a lot faster, and for most other use-cases to be a bit faster overall.
Hi, is there documentation somewhere that explains what these new releases are and what compatibility they have with older versions, including Realm Cloud ?
I just tried opening a 4.6 database with the Realm Swift 5.1.0 release and it fails with an error “Key already used”.
I also noticed in the release notes for 5.0.2 (I think it was) that this is not compatible with Realm Cloud (legacy?!).
If that is the case then is there a plan for migration off realm cloud and if so what does that look like?
Hi Duncan,
I believe the best current docs are the release notes. If something there is unclear please let us know. But here is the gist:
As mentioned in this post we have updated all SDK’s (except .NET, which is lacking a little) with a new major version of the database. They all support Realm Cloud and we will continue to make important bug fixes in those, but don’t expect new features.
All SDK’s that supports the new MongoDB Realm Cloud is versioned “10.0.0-beta-*”. They contain both new data types and new features.
As for migration support from Realm Cloud to MongoDB Realm Cloud, we are working on that during this beta phase and will provide this as soon as we can.
Thanks for the prompt response. OK so in theory the 5.1.0 cocoa release should be compatible with an existing 4.x database and we should be able to upgrade to 5.1.0 and continue to sync with the existing Realm Cloud service.
Assuming that is the case is there someone I can contact regarding an error when trying to open a 4.x database with v5.1.0 - I am seeing a “Key already used” error from Realm. Happy to send you a copy of the database itself to test if required.
FYI it seems the RealmSwift 5.2.0 build fixes that previous issue - and you will be pleased to know it all seems work perfectly on Apple Silicon to - I just used Xcode to add the RealmSwift package. Great job guys - it’s blazingly fast too.