Received a collection value on primitive-only mixed field "data"

Hello, I have created some schemas for device sync app to use in my flutter app but I am getting an error on my field data at the moment to write, here is the realm model

class _Facilities {
  late String id;
  late RealmValue data;
  String? deviceId;
  late bool isPublic;
  String? swid;
  late DateTime timestamp;

This is the log error in my device atlas app and it is only present in the log, debugger does not show at runtime.


failed to validate upload changesets: received a collection value on primitive-only mixed field “data” (ProtocolErrorCode=212)

Function Call Location:



“facilities”: “(TRUEPREDICATE )”,
“facility_status”: “(TRUEPREDICATE )”,
“genie”: “(TRUEPREDICATE )”,
“structures”: “(TRUEPREDICATE )”
Write Summary:

“facilities”: {
“inserted”: [
Remote IP Address:


Dart v2.0.0


Flutter v3.3.0 (stable) (Tue Feb 13 10:25:19 2024 +0000) on “ios_x64”


iOS vVersion 17.0.1 (Build 21A342)

Here it is the example of data

                      'event': 'APP_LOGIN',
                      'ipAddress': 123456789,
                      'location': {
                        'lat': '28.419069455417212',
                        'lon': '-81.58177770411534'
                      'device': "android"

This is my test app id


Storing collections in RealmValue has not been enabled on all apps yet. We expect to roll it out in the next couple of weeks, but if you need it enabled immediately for you, please open a support ticket and the team can help.

Thanks for your help.

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