Schema validation failed for unknown object type (that is an Embedded Realm object)


I have a Kotlin Multiplatform app that I’m trying to get to work with Realm/Atlas. When I try to do a it says:

IllegalStateException@29576} "java.lang.IllegalStateException: [RLM_ERR_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FAILED]: Schema validation failed due to the following errors: Property ‘PelletInsertionVisit.pelletMapAsList’ of type ‘array’ has unknown object type ‘PelletToNumberUsedMapEntry’

I have multiple classes but the ones germane to this are the following:

class PelletInsertionVisit : RealmObject {
var _id: String = ""
var visitDate =
var pelletsUsed: RealmList<Pellet> = realmListOf()
var pelletMapAsList: RealmList<PelletToNumberUsedMapEntry> = realmListOf() //Maps pellet name to number of pellets of that type used

var signedInUser: String = "UNKNOWN" //User name of user performing the update

override fun toString(): String {
    return "PelletInsertionVisit(visitDate=$visitDate, pelletsUsed=$pelletsUsed, pelletMap=$pelletMapAsList, signedInUserUserName='$signedInUser')"


And this one:

class PelletToNumberUsedMapEntry : EmbeddedRealmObject {
var pelletKey: String = "NOTSET"
var numberUsed: Int = 0

Right before I call the I execute this code:

    private fun setupRealmSync() {
    val user = runBlocking { appServiceInstance.currentUser }
    val config = user?.let {
                setOf(UserAccount::class,Pellet::class, PelletInsertionVisit::class, PelletLot::class, Patient::class,
                    Practice::class )
            .initialSubscriptions(rerunOnOpen = true) { realms ->
                    name = "Pellet Insertion Visit info",   
                    updateExisting = true

                add(realms.query<PelletLot>(), name = "Pellet info", updateExisting = true)
                add(realms.query<Patient>(), name = "Patient info", updateExisting = true)
                add(realms.query<Practice>(), name = "Practice info", updateExisting = true)
                add(realms.query<UserAccount>(), name = "UserAccount info", updateExisting = true)

So, PelletInsertionVisit is added (and I see it in MongoDB Compass) but it’s not liking the other class. I thought that it being embedded would suffice but is that the issue?

Hi @Darrin_Smith1 ,

Yes, it is: PelletToNumberUsedMapEntry is still a class, if you declare for the SyncConfiguration a setOf classes, you should include the embedded ones as well.

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For others that follow, what I needed to do is add the embedded class to my builder like this:

private fun setupRealmSync() {
    val user = runBlocking { appServiceInstance.currentUser }
    val config = user?.let {
                setOf(UserAccount::class,Pellet::class, PelletToNumberUsedMapEntry::class, PelletInsertionVisit::class, PelletLot::class, Patient::class,
                    Practice::class )

That did it!