Seeking Advice: Connecting GCP App Engine (Dart 2.10) to MongoDB Atlas for advanced search features

Hi MongoDB Community,

We are working on a greenfield feature for our app and are looking to leverage MongoDB Atlas for advanced search capabilities, including full-text search, synonyms, and vector-based searches.

Our backend is hosted on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) App Engine and written in Dart 2.10. The plan is to create custom backend endpoints to handle user communication (FE vs BE), ensuring that client-side authentication and interaction are securely managed and tailored to our app’s needs.

Initially, we considered using MongoDB App Services with Data API or Custom Endpoints via standard HTTPS requests for BE vs DB communication. However, these services are marked as deprecated in the documentation, and we would prefer to adopt a solution that avoids significant rewrites within the foreseeable future. Simplicity in communication and implementation is also a key priority for us.

Could you please share any suggestions or insights on establishing a reliable and future-proof connection between GCP App Engine and MongoDB Atlas? If you have expertise or experience in similar implementations, your input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support and expertise!