Our System CPU usage approximately doubled this morning and I’m trying to figure out why. I have looked into the logs and noticed that the times when it went up roughly correspond to a change in the version number for the MongoDB Automation Agent.
I haven’t been able to find any change in query patterns that would explain such a large jump in CPU usage, and our Process CPU usage remained relatively flat.
We have had the same scenario on both of our clusters. The jump corresponded with the Automation Agent update as well. One of our clusters is a DEV clusters with minimal DB activity, so we felt it had to be a result of the Automation Agent update.
In our case it also caused some Atlas alerts for high CPU usage.
Bumping this thread. This issue is still ongoing and the extra CPU usage is keeping one of our clusters in a higher tier than it should be (which is costing us money). Hopefully a MongoDB employee can see this and chime in.