Slow insert performence

Hello, I have an issues happening since ~3 days, the inserts started being very slow, before it was instant, now it takes up to 30 seconds, it inserts around 5k documents per seconds, using insertMany, it has worked for a long time, but now it randomly started being extremely slow, without any updates on my side and I cannot seem to find the cause of that issue. Thanks.

What are you running in terms of on-site or Atlas, how does the IO and CPU and RAM usage look?
If onsite, what hardware are you looing at and what indexes have you set up? What do the documents look like.

I use Atlas, M5 shared cluster, around 100 kb/s input and 10 kb/s output, i don’t see a way to view cpu/ram usage, but on the VPS it’s normal, the documents are few kb and there is 9 indexes (required)