Some Feedback from a First Time MongoDB Test Taker

Hi. Yesterday I took the developers exam. One thing that kind of surprised me is that I did not see a way to skip a question and go on to another question and then be able to go back and answer the questions that I was stuck on. Is there a way to do that? If not, I think that should be made clear that that’s the policy.

Another thing is Examity would accept my Federal government issued CAC card photo ID as identification. I had to go get my driver’s license and upload it. A CAC card is a valid, government issued, form of ID. I guess MongoDB does mostly commercial work because anyone working in the federal government space would not question the validity of a CAC card.

And finally I was surprised to see that a test advertised to have 53 question actually had over 60. To me a “hand full” of experimental questions would be 5 or less, not 10.

Other than those things, the test process is well-run and the proctors seem to be efficient and thorough. The exam content was challenging be not too; just right in my opinion.

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Hi John!

Thank you so much for your interest in becoming MongoDB Certified! We wish you only the best on your certification and career journey!

We really appreciate your feedback. Our exams do allow candidates to move back and forth between questions on the exam so we are incredibly sorry that you experienced something differently. I just verified our settings were reflected accurately. Also, I will look into why your original ID did not work for checking in–so sorry about that! I’ll bring this information to my team to discuss.

Also, thank you for taking for the exam and your feedback about the quantity of pretest items. I will take this feedback to my team for further review.

Glad to hear that the test process, proctors, and exam content was great!!


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