Hi. Yesterday I took the developers exam. One thing that kind of surprised me is that I did not see a way to skip a question and go on to another question and then be able to go back and answer the questions that I was stuck on. Is there a way to do that? If not, I think that should be made clear that that’s the policy.
Another thing is Examity would accept my Federal government issued CAC card photo ID as identification. I had to go get my driver’s license and upload it. A CAC card is a valid, government issued, form of ID. I guess MongoDB does mostly commercial work because anyone working in the federal government space would not question the validity of a CAC card.
And finally I was surprised to see that a test advertised to have 53 question actually had over 60. To me a “hand full” of experimental questions would be 5 or less, not 10.
Other than those things, the test process is well-run and the proctors seem to be efficient and thorough. The exam content was challenging be not too; just right in my opinion.