[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:997)

I’m new with mongodb. I’ve tried to add new entry and get this error.

[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:997)

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Are you getting this Compass or mongosh or in a program?
If your installation has a self-signed certificate, you have to tell MongoDB tooling where to get a copy of the acceptable certificate.
E.g., in PHP, you’d connect something like
new MongoDB\Client($mongodb_uri, b['tls' => true, 'tlsCAFile' => $mongodb_cert_path]);

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I saw an answer that worked for me, it appears i had not yet installed the python certificates on my mac, so from the following path i went and installed it

/Applications/Python 3.10/Install Certificates.command

Only change the version of your python, after that everything, worked fine for me

PS: I had been trying to solve the problem for half a day, I even asked ChatGPT

enter image description here


Unfortunately that didn’t help

Using pyCharm, macOs Ventura 13.1

Full code:

from pymongo import MongoClient
cluster = MongoClient('mongodb+srv://pystudy:<password>@cluster0.fyglnvy.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority')
db = cluster['test']
collection = db['test']

post = {'_id': 0, 'name': 'Jeff', 'score': 9}

open a new terminal and follow these (use “python” and “pip” if “python3” and “pip3” does not work):

  • create a test folder and cd into it: mkdir test && cd test
  • create clean environment python3 -m venv .venv (do MacOS use python or python3 for v3.x? )
  • and activate it: .venv/Scripts/activate
  • install pymongo only : pip3 install pymongo
  • you should see this clean list: pip3 list (versions might change)

    Package Version

    dnspython 2.3.0
    pip 22.2.2
    pymongo 4.3.3
    setuptools 63.2.0

  • and start python repl: python3
  • copy-paste your code above (replace password) and run in the repl.

if your code works this way, then the installation pycharm uses might be broken and need a repair or full reinstllation. (or pycharm is broken)

if not, then either your system has a problem or you messed with some settings in Atlas (I can’t point any).

This worked for me.
Thank you mate!

I had similar problems and it felt like I tried everything. MacOS Ventura 13.2.1, PyCharm 2022.3.3 Professional, Python 3.11.2

The final fix…

I rebooted!!!

So, some of these changes don’t take effect until a complete reboot.

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For me - After a few hours I found this thread that said that I need to open the client using certifi

Able to use Compass with no problems, Atlas UI all looks good but couldn’t connect using Python.

Using Python 3.11, pymongo==3.11, Mac Monterey, VS Code

As a newbie I am disappointed that I had to spend a lot of time on ChatGPT and Google to resolve this.
Not a fantastic first impression but happy to blame myself for something i missed - maybe others will miss whatever I missed too…

Thank you mate!

This worked for me.

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Thanks, worked for me!

Upgrading from pip3 23.2.1 to 24.0 fixed this issue for me. No clue why!

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Thank you, I had to do it after upgrading Python to 3.11

This worked for me

pip install certifi

wow still working on Sep 2024, looks like Mac does not install certificates by default, but the file is there, just go to the folder applications/ python 12.5 and click on install certificates, everything works after that