Student pack not approved on GitHub but not on MongoDB website

A few days ago, my student pack was approved on GitHub. But once I visit the MongoDB student pack page it keeps showing this message:

Welcome and thanks for logging in. Unfortunately, we are unable to verify your status as a participant in the GitHub Student Developer Pack

Is there anything I have to do to validate the student account on MongoDB?

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Hi @Hadi_Fadlallah

Thank you for your message and welcome to the forum! Can you check your GitHub account if the Student Pack was applied? Our app automatically checks if the GitHub Student Pack is attached to your GitHub account.

If this is not working, can you send me more information in a DM?

Thank you so much!



Thanks @Lieke_Boon, Yes the Github Student Pack was activated on April 2 as shown in the image below:


@Hadi_Fadlallah Thank you for this! I sent you a DM.


This was solved! Closing the topic :slight_smile: