The journey of #100DaysOfCode (@Darine_Tleiss)

100daysofcode - Day 21

Hello everyone, how it’s going on !!, today marks our 21th day in the 100 days of code journey :sunglasses::heart_eyes::boom:

Today, was a special :sob: day for me, away from my computer screen, the day started where I meet @eliehannouch :boom::star_struck:, planning together for a booming day on Saturday the 2nd of July 2022. Discussing a lot of the conference details and sharing some special ideas between us to ensure a smooth conference.

Omg Guys,:cry::heart_eyes:, I’m so excited and happy representing the women techmakers in the event, giving back for my community and making my first onsite talk :boom::rocket:

Can’t wait to see you all joining us from lebanon :lebanon:, or from any other country around the world :earth_africa:. We promise you all an unforgettable :partying_face: day where everyone will share their knowledge :fist:, get know the community and make some new friends.

My session, of course will be the funniest one :face_with_hand_over_mouth:, as I’m gonna take you all in a gentle tour in the world of UI/UX, starting from a basic definition and wrapping up with some premium information, that help any UI/UX enthusiasts willing to join the journey in a smooth way

A sneak peak from the session content ( Processing … :hammer_and_wrench: :face_holding_back_tears:) :innocent: and as I’m proudly a UI/UX engineer, my slides are getting cooked from scratch :exploding_head:. Yeah using Figma :star_struck: you guessed. ( No template, only a creative mind :sparkles: , a cup of tea :tea: and some crazy feelings :woozy_face:)

  • Dearest community, make sure to check the entire schedule and reserve your free spot here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, and if you have any question regarding the event details don’t hesitate to reach me out !!