Trouble connecting to cloud database

So I use MongoDB Atlas to host a database for testing my plugins I develop for MC servers. I took about a 3 month break then came back. When I restarted my Atlas Cloud database, I could no longer connect and get provided the error below. I’ve tried making a new database and still get the same error. I connected fine 3 months ago using the same method I am trying now, but now I have no luck.

Error: Caused by: com .mongodb.MongoTimeoutException: Timed out after 30000 ms while wa -

I am pulling the latest version of mongo-driver-sync in my pom file of my project.

Your detailed logs show some certificate errors
May be your certificates are expired
Check this link

Keep getting ServerSelectionTimeoutError

I suspect this may be a manifestation of Keep getting ServerSelectionTimeoutError - #11 by Stennie