Hey all,
I’m looking forward to using the .subscribe() syntax introduced in RealmSwift v 10.43.0.
However, I always get the same thread error when I try to use this syntax, although, to the best of my knowledge, I am always accessing the method from the main thread:
RealmSwift/Results.swift:189: Fatal error: `subscribe` can only be called on main thread or actor-isolated Realms
Anyone any suggestions on how to get this to work? In general, I am interested in any solution that allows me to easily add subscriptions for queries defined in @ObservedResults, instead of having to duplicate that query again in the traditional subscription syntax. Thanks in advance!
Here’s the code that leads to the error:
import SwiftUI
import RealmSwift
struct ShoppingListSpecifierMenu: View {
@ObservedRealmObject var user: User
@ObservedRealmObject var shoppingList: ShoppingList
@State var presentingNewShoppingListView = false
@ObservedResults(ShoppingList.self) var shoppingListOptions
@ObservedResults(ShoppingList.self) var shoppingListInivitations
@Environment(\.realm) var realm
init(user: User, shoppingList: ShoppingList) {
_user = .init(wrappedValue: user)
_shoppingList = .init(wrappedValue: shoppingList)
_shoppingListOptions = .init(ShoppingList.self, where: {
_shoppingListInivitations = .init(ShoppingList.self, where: {
var body: some View {
Menu("\(shoppingList.name)") {
Button {
} label: {
Label("new shoppinglist", systemImage: "plus.circle")
ForEach(shoppingListOptions) { shoppingListOption in
.sheet(isPresented: $presentingNewShoppingListView) {
NewShoppingListView(user: user)
.task {
try? await getSubs()
func getSubs() async throws {
// approach one fails:// ❌ RealmSwift/Results.swift:189: Fatal error: `subscribe` can only be called on main thread or actor-isolated Realms
try await self.shoppingListOptions.subscribe()
// aproach two fails as well: // ❌ RealmSwift/Results.swift:189: Fatal error: `subscribe` can only be called on main thread or actor-isolated Realms
// let results = try await realm.objects(ShoppingList.self)
// .where { $0.invitedIDs.contains(user._id)}
// .subscribe(name: "test")