Hi everyone,
I’m facing an issue with my Flutter app using MongoDB Realm. Every time I open the realm, it replaces all documents on the server with the local ones, even if there are no changes to the documents. This behavior is causing all my triggers, which watch for insert/delete/update events on documents, to execute each time the app is opened.
Has anyone encountered this issue or have any insights on why this might be happening? I would appreciate any advice on how to prevent unnecessary document replacements.
Thank you!
Here is the code that i use to open my realm
App app = App.getById(env.realm) ?? App(AppConfiguration(env.realm));
List<SchemaObject> schema = [
FlexibleSyncConfiguration flexConfig = Configuration.flexibleSync(
encryptionKey: _getEncryptionKey(app.currentUser!.id),
syncErrorHandler: (SyncError error) {
clientResetHandler: RecoverOrDiscardUnsyncedChangesHandler(
// All the following callbacks are optional
onBeforeReset: (beforeResetRealm) {
// Executed before the client reset begins.
// Can be used to notify the user that a reset is going
// to happen.
onAfterRecovery: (beforeResetRealm, afterResetRealm) {
// Executed if and only if the automatic recovery has succeeded.
onAfterDiscard: (beforeResetRealm, afterResetRealm) {
// Executed if the automatic recovery has failed
// but the discard unsynced changes fallback has completed
// successfully.
onManualResetFallback: (clientResetError) {
bool success = clientResetError.resetRealm();
// Automatic reset failed. Handle the reset manually here.
// Refer to the "Manual Client Reset Fallback" documentation
// for more information on what you can include here.
_realm = Realm(flexConfig);
And the logs:
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Realm sync client ([realm-core-14.9.0])
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Platform: iOS Darwin 23.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 23.5.0: Wed May 1 20:34:31 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.122.3~3/RELEASE_ARM64_T8110 iPhone14,5
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[1] Session[1]: Binding '/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E0326DF5-986A-4171-954C-C01A26156C03/Documents/mongodb-realm/app-ihxmjgm/6661f343689a992a36d1b17c/default.realm' to ''
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[1] Session[1]: client_reset_config = false, Realm exists = true
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[1] Connecting to 'wss://ws.services.cloud.mongodb.com:443/api/client/v2.0/app/app-ihxmjgm/realm-sync'
Realm.Sync.Client.Network - Connected to endpoint '' (from '')
Realm.Sync.Client.Network - ERROR: Websocket: Expected HTTP response 101 Switching Protocols, but received:
HTTP/1.1 308 Permanent Redirect
cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
connection: close
content-length: 0
date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:43:00 GMT
location: https://us-east-1.aws.services.cloud.mongodb.com/api/client/v2.0/app/app-ihxmjgm/realm-sync
server: mdbws
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains;
vary: Origin
x-appservices-request-id: 666b2fa49556a7695954aef9
x-frame-options: DENY
x-xgen-up-proto: HTTP/1.1
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[1] Closing the websocket with error code=WebSocket: Moved Permanently, message='Bad WebSocket response 308 permanent redirect', was_clean=true
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[1] Connecting to 'wss://ws.services.cloud.mongodb.com:443/api/client/v2.0/app/app-ihxmjgm/realm-sync'
Realm.Sync.Client.Network - Connected to endpoint '' (from '')
Realm.Sync.Client.Network - ERROR: Websocket: Expected HTTP response 101 Switching Protocols, but received:
HTTP/1.1 308 Permanent Redirect
cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
connection: close
content-length: 0
date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 17:43:01 GMT
location: https://us-east-1.aws.services.cloud.mongodb.com/api/client/v2.0/app/app-ihxmjgm/realm-sync
server: mdbws
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains;
vary: Origin
x-appservices-request-id: 666b2fa59556a7695954b007
x-frame-options: DENY
x-xgen-up-proto: HTTP/1.1
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[1] Closing the websocket with error code=WebSocket: Moved Permanently, message='Bad WebSocket response 308 permanent redirect', was_clean=true
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[2]: Binding '/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E0326DF5-986A-4171-954C-C01A26156C03/Documents/mongodb-realm/app-ihxmjgm/6661f343689a992a36d1b17c/default.realm' to ''
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[2]: client_reset_config = false, Realm exists = true
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Connecting to 'wss://us-east-1.aws.ws.services.cloud.mongodb.com:443/api/client/v2.0/app/app-ihxmjgm/realm-sync'
Realm.Sync.Client.Network - Connected to endpoint '' (from '')
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Binding '/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/E0326DF5-986A-4171-954C-C01A26156C03/Documents/mongodb-realm/app-ihxmjgm/6661f343689a992a36d1b17c/default.realm' to ''
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: client_reset_config = false, Realm exists = true
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Connected to app services with request id: "666b2fa6850c0b31cb2a223b"
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Begin processing pending FLX bootstrap for query version 15. (changesets: 1, original total changeset size: 0)
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Integrated 1 changesets from pending bootstrap for query version 15, producing client version 95 in 8 ms. 0 changesets remaining in bootstrap
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Begin processing pending FLX bootstrap for query version 16. (changesets: 1, original total changeset size: 0)
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Integrated 1 changesets from pending bootstrap for query version 16, producing client version 99 in 7 ms. 0 changesets remaining in bootstrap
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Received: ERROR "Session closed (no error)" (error_code=200, is_fatal=false, error_action=Transient)
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Begin processing pending FLX bootstrap for query version 17. (changesets: 1, original total changeset size: 0)
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Integrated 1 changesets from pending bootstrap for query version 17, producing client version 103 in 7 ms. 0 changesets remaining in bootstrap
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Begin processing pending FLX bootstrap for query version 18. (changesets: 1, original total changeset size: 0)
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Integrated 1 changesets from pending bootstrap for query version 18, producing client version 107 in 7 ms. 0 changesets remaining in bootstrap
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Begin processing pending FLX bootstrap for query version 19. (changesets: 1, original total changeset size: 0)
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Integrated 1 changesets from pending bootstrap for query version 19, producing client version 110 in 4 ms. 0 changesets remaining in bootstrap
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Begin processing pending FLX bootstrap for query version 20. (changesets: 1, original total changeset size: 0)
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Integrated 1 changesets from pending bootstrap for query version 20, producing client version 113 in 4 ms. 0 changesets remaining in bootstrap
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Begin processing pending FLX bootstrap for query version 21. (changesets: 1, original total changeset size: 0)
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Integrated 1 changesets from pending bootstrap for query version 21, producing client version 116 in 4 ms. 0 changesets remaining in bootstrap
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Received: ERROR "Session closed (no error)" (error_code=200, is_fatal=false, error_action=Transient)
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Begin processing pending FLX bootstrap for query version 22. (changesets: 1, original total changeset size: 0)
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Integrated 1 changesets from pending bootstrap for query version 22, producing client version 122 in 6 ms. 0 changesets remaining in bootstrap
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Begin processing pending FLX bootstrap for query version 23. (changesets: 1, original total changeset size: 0)
Realm.Sync.Client.Session - Connection[2] Session[3]: Integrated 1 changesets from pending bootstrap for query version 23, producing client version 126 in 5 ms. 0 changesets remaining in bootstrap