Just implemented Realm on Unity, and it works like charm on Editor.
However, upon build on Android, it fails within few seconds, Error message
Could not analyze the user's assembly. Object reference not set to an instance of an object UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object) RealmWeaver.UnityWeaver/UnityLogger:Error (string,Mono.Cecil.Cil.SequencePoint) RealmWeaver.Analytics:AnalyzeUserAssembly (Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition) RealmWeaver.Analytics/<>c__DisplayClass9_0:<.ctor>b__2 () System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()
I’ve searched all over the place, i found nothing related
I’m traveling today but will try and investigate when I get more stable internet. In the meantime I asked the team to take a look, but between vacations and other tasks, it may take a day or two to find a workaround.
Hi @Slim_Hidri, can you try to use the build at this link? Here you can find a guide on how to install Realm from a tarball if needed.
This build will raise the error you encountered as a warning instead of an error, so you should be able to use Realm. It will also log the exception, so we’d be really grateful if you could create an issue in our repo with the error logs.
Glad it works
Regarding the error message, are you sure there is nothing in the build log either? I suppose that’s where the original error message showed up.