What does the "isTruncated" field in the slow query logs mean?

I’m investigating queries using the “Query Insights” Atlas mongodb tool and looking specifically at the “Parsed Log Document” content that’s displayed when I select a slow query. I’m assuming the format is the same as is used if I were to view the raw slow query log.

In either event I can’t find any documentation as to what the “isTruncated” field at the very end of the entry means (see example below).


  "type": "command",
  "ns": "rynlyproduction.Packages",
  "command": {
    "aggregate": "Packages",
    "pipeline": [
         //... my query here...
  "planSummary": "IXSCAN { FirmId: 1, Status: -1 }",
  "planningTimeMicros": 7574357,
  "keysExamined": 92,
  "docsExamined": 92,
  // .... skipped
  "durationMillis": 7575,
  "v": "7.0.15",
  "isTruncated": true