Why is bulk_write padding data to UpdateOne command?

I am trying to use bulk_write to do an UpdateOne on multiple records.

Here’s the code:

from pymongo import MongoClient, UpdateOne
from pymongo.errors import BulkWriteError, ConnectionFailure
import modules.preferences.preferences as pref
from time import sleep
fuse_date = “2024-05-26”
results = [
operations =
for result in results:
print(f"Processing result: {result}“)
# Assuming that result[1] is the email
alias = result[1].replace(”@test.com", “”) if len(result) > 1 else None
# Attempt to unpack the tuple
message_id, email, status = result
print(f"Adding {email} message to reminders database")
# Add the UpdateOne operation to the list
{“date”: fuse_date, “alias”: alias},
“$set”: {
“message_id”: message_id,
“email”: email,
“status”: status,
except (TypeError, ValueError) as te:
# Log an error message if unpacking fails
print(f"Error unpacking result for record {alias}: {te} - skipping record")
if operations:
print(f"Operations to execute: {len(operations)}")
print(“No operations to execute”)

Only perform the bulk write if there are operations to execute

if operations:
print(f"Operations to execute: {len(operations)}“)
print(“Updating reminders database”)
for attempt in range(5):
reminder_updates = pref.MONGO_URI[pref.MONGODB][“reminders”].bulk_write(
if reminder_updates.upserted_ids:
print(f"MongoDB upserted {len(reminder_updates.upserted_ids)} records.”)
break # Exit the retry loop if successful
except BulkWriteError as bwe:
print(“Bulk Write Error: “, bwe.details)
sleep_duration = pow(2, attempt)
print(f”*** Sleeping for {sleep_duration} seconds and trying again ***”)
sleep(sleep_duration) # Exponential backoff
except Exception as e:
print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}“)
print(f"operations: {operations}”)
break # Exit the retry loop if an unexpected exception occurs
print(“No operations to execute”)

I am receiving the following error: An unexpected error occurred: string indices must be integers, not ‘str’

When the script runs, here is what operations looks like:

[UpdateOne({‘date’: ‘2024-05-26’, ‘alias’: ‘test’}, {‘$set’: {‘message_id’: ‘Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL01FU1NBR0UvOGQ4ZTg3OTAtMWJiYS0xMWVmLTk2OTQtY2RkNmY3YjhhOWY5’, ‘email’: ‘test@test.com’, ‘status’: 200}}, True, None, None, None), UpdateOne({‘date’: ‘2024-05-26’, ‘alias’: ‘test’}, {‘$set’: {‘message_id’: ‘Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL01FU1NBR0UvOGQ3ZTBjZDAtMWJiYS0xMWVmLTljZjQtNGY2ZWIyMGJhNWFl’, ‘email’: ‘test@test.com’, ‘status’: 200}}, True, None, None, None)]

Why is bulk_write adding the “True, None, None, None” to the end of the UpdateOne request?


Would love to help but can you update you post with proper code syntax/formatting?

Can you also include the full traceback of the exception you are seeing?

Hi Shane,

I figured out the problem was associated with an improperly formatted Mongo URI string.

Problem solved!