I noticed in Mongo Atlas quickstart. Mongo@3.6 is the latest npm install recommendation. Is there any particular reason for this? Since the current version is 6 at npm. I am working with typescript.
I believe it will default to a version you’ve previously selected from the dropdown. By default though it should present the top entry, which would be “5.5 or later”
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I have no other option (STABLE API) in the dropdown select. I think I found a bug or something.
Compare my url with yours. It says v2
Thanks for reporting, this looks like a bug. We are looking into fixing this very soon.
Hi @Adebayo_Omolumo - thank you for flagging this to us. We haven’t been able to reproduce the issue. Are you still unable to see the Stable API versions in the Node.js driver version dropdown?
If you could provide us with some additional context, that would be super helpful:
- Which browser are you using? And what version of the browser?
- Which operating system are you using?
- Do you remember what other actions you took in the UI prior to running into this? (No worries if not.)