As per MongoDB documentation, transactions only works for replica sets and not single node. Why such requirement? Isn’t it is easier to do transaction stuff on a single node rather than a distributed system?
Hi @Rajat_Goel,
Since transactions are built on concepts of logical sessions they require mecahnics (like oplog) which are only available in replica set environment.
You can always convert a standalone to a single noded replica set and transactions will work with this one node.
Hello, Are there plans of mongo team to enable transactions for standalone servers in a next version of MongoDB? That would be great.
Hi Iván,
Welcome to the community.
You can convert a standalone to a single-node replica set to enable transactions. All you have to do is start mongod
with --replset
The link posted by Pavel above goes into more detail.
Hello Mahi, yes I got it, however, I wonder if this feature will be available in a future (out of the box) for standalone servers? (in order to avoid that process of conversion )