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Monitor Edge Server - Preview

On this page

  • Before You Begin
  • Get Edge Server Instance Status
  • Edge Server Logs
  • Edge Server Metrics

You can view metrics and logs for your Edge Server instances to get a general health status, or information about usage, performance, and errors.

You can monitor an instance:

  • In the Atlas UI

  • In a UI on the local hardware

  • Through Admin API calls

You can also forward logs to a MongoDB collection or an external service.

This page contains details about how to view metrics and logs for your Edge Server instances, and what information is available.

You need the following to manage Edge Servers in the Atlas UI:

  • A MongoDB Atlas account with Project Owner permissions. To learn how to sign up for a free account, see Get Started with Atlas.

The local UI is enabled by default, and only requires a running Edge Server instance.

On an untrusted host, you can disable the local UI by running the following edgectl command:

edgectl config --disable-local-ui=true

You need the following to manage Edge Servers with the Admin API:

  • A MongoDB Atlas account with Project Owner permissions. To learn how to sign up for a free account, see Get Started with Atlas.

  • A MongoDB Atlas Admin API public/private key pair. The API key must have Project Owner permissions to work with App Services Admin API.

  • Your App's internal ObjectId hex string and the Project ID of the Atlas Project that contains your App. To learn how to find these, see Get App Metadata.

You can get details about the status of Edge Server instance in a few ways:

  • View the Edge Server instance details in the Atlas UI

  • View the status details in the local UI

  • Use edgectl to check the status

  • Make a request to the relevant Admin API endpoint

The available details vary depending on how you access them.

The Edge Server dashboard lists a brief summary for each Edge Server instance, including the date and time of the last connection, and a snapshot of its status. You can optionally view details or logs for each instance.

To view the Edge Server dashboard, choose Edge Server in the left navigation sidebar.

To view the details for a specific Edge Server instance, click View Details for that Edge Server instance. Alternately, click App Logs to browse logs associated with the instance.

The information available when viewing an Edge Server instance varies depending on the instance state. For details, refer to Edge Server Instance Details.

To access the local UI, open a web browser and go to localhost on the http-port. You can access the local UI on the default port at: http://localhost:80

You can change the port by providing an alternative port as an Int with the following edgectl flag:

edgectl config --http-port=<YOUR-PORT-INT>

When the Edge Server instance is running, you can see the status of the instance with:

edgectl status

This gives you information about the state of the Edge Server containers, and a detailed status for the Sync server with a breakdown of important information. It may look similar to:

"mongoContainerStatus": {
"message": "running"
"mongoDBStatus": {
"message": "ready"
"syncServerContainerStatus": {
"message": "running"
"syncServerStatus": {
"message": "ACTIVE"
"syncServerDetailedStatus": {
"version": "v0.22.3",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"cloud_connected": true,
"num_local_clients": 0,
"query": {
"Item": "truepredicate"

The syncServerDetailedStatus contains information about the state of the Edge Server instance. This includes details about its connection to Atlas, and the clients connected to it, as follows:

Field name
The current version of the Edge Server code that the instance is running. If the Edge Server instance falls more than one major version behind the latest available version, it is unable to connect to Atlas and must be wiped and updated. For more information, refer to Upgrade the Edge Server Version.

The current status of the Edge Server instance. Possible values include: "ACTIVE", "FAILED", and "BOOTSTRAPPING".

"ACTIVE": the instance is running, listening for connections, and attempting to sync.

"FAILED": the instance has encountered an error condition that requires intervention. For more information, refer to Troubleshoot an Edge Server Instance.

"BOOTSTRAPPING": the instance is performing an initial download of the relevant documents in the data set, and is not yet ready to use.

If true, the Edge Server instance is currently connected to Atlas. If false, the Edge Server instance is not connected to Atlas. When the instance is not connected to Atlas, it can still receive local connections and sync data with local clients. When it reconnects with Atlas, it attempts to sync data that changed while it was not connected.
The number of clients that are currently connected to the Edge Server instance through Atlas Device SDK. This does not include connections through the Wire Protocol.
The Edge Server instance Sync query, presented as a JSON object. For more information, refer to Specify the Edge Server's Query.

Call the admin user authentication endpoint with your MongoDB Atlas API key pair:

curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"username": "<Public API Key>",
"apiKey": "<Private API Key>"

If authentication succeeds, the response body contains a JSON object with an access_token value:

"access_token": "<access_token>",
"refresh_token": "<refresh_token>",
"user_id": "<user_id>",
"device_id": "<device_id>"

The access_token grants access to the App Services Admin API. You must include it as a Bearer token in the Authorization header for all Admin API requests.


See also:


Call the Admin API List Edge Servers endpoint to get a list of all the Edge Servers instances.

Your request must include an Authorization header with your Admin API access token as a Bearer token.

curl -X GET \{groupId}/apps/{appId}/edge \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>'

A successful request returns a 200 code, and an edge_servers key whose values is an array of objects containing summary details for each Edge Server instance associated with the appId.

"edge_servers": [
"id": "6622b8f5118368b943d228a9",
"created": "2024-04-19T08:51:00Z",
"name": "Edge-Store-42",
"user_id": "6622b8f5118368b943d2288a",
"status": "active",
"hostname": "",
"last_connection": "2024-04-19T09:51:00Z"

For more detailed information, find the id of the instance whose details you want to view.


Call the Admin API Get Edge Server information endpoint to get detailed information about an Edge Server instance.

Your request must include an Authorization header with your Admin API access token as a Bearer token.

curl -X GET \{groupId}/apps/{appId}/edge/{edgeServerId} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>'

A successful request returns a 200 code, as well as a JSON object with detailed information about the Edge Server instance:

"id": "6622b8f5118368b943d228a9",
"created": "2024-04-19T08:51:00Z",
"name": "Edge-Store-42",
"user_id": "6622b8f5118368b943d2288a",
"status": "active",
"hostname": "",
"last_connection": "2024-04-19T09:51:00Z",
"query": {
"Item": "(store_id == \"641cb3d99e425c794ef69315\")"
"package_version": "v0.21.2",
"latest_package_version": "v0.22.2",
"metrics": [
"key": "edge_host_memory_percent",
"name": "Memory Usage",
"category": "host",
"detail": "Percentage of memory used by the edge container",
"value": 15,
"unit": "%"
...additional Edge Server metrics...

For more information about this response body, refer to the API specification.

Edge Server uses the following log types:

  • Authentication Logs: When an Edge Server instance attempts to authenticate with Atlas, or clients attempt to authenticate with an Edge Server instance, this generates an authentication log.

  • Device Sync Logs: When an Edge Server instance syncs with Atlas, or an Atlas Device SDK client syncs with Edge Server, this generates a Device Sync log.

You can access your logs with the Admin API's Admin API Retrieve App Services logs endpoint. Filter for the user_id matching the Edge Server instance user_id. Or you can view logs when viewing Edge Server Instance Details in the Atlas UI.

You can configure log forwarders to store logs in a MongoDB collection or send them to an external service. For more information, refer to Forward Logs to a Service.

An Edge Server instance tracks a variety of metrics about:

  • The host hardware

  • Requests

  • Wire Protocol connections, and their activity

  • Sync

You can access your metrics data with the Admin API's Admin API Get Edge Server information endpoint. Or you can view a subset of these metrics when viewing Edge Server Instance Details in the Atlas UI.

The exact metrics returned may be subject to change.

Metric key
Memory Usage
Percent (%)
Percentage of memory used by the Edge Server containers.
CPU Usage
Percent (%)
Percentage of CPU used by the Edge Server containers.
Successful Requests
The total number of successful requests.
Failed Requests
The total number of failed requests.
Successful Wire Protocol Requests
Wire Protocol
The total number of successful Wire Protocol requests.
Failed Wire Protocol Requests
Wire Protocol
The total number of failed Wire Protocol requests.
Wire Protocol Data Transfer
Wire Protocol
The total number of bytes returned by Wire Protocol.
Wire Protocol Connection Count
Wire Protocol
The total number of clients currently connected using the Wire Protocol. These connections include MongoDB Drivers, MongoDB Shell, MongoDB Compass, and other tools that use the Wire Protocol connection.
Successful Sync Requests
The total number of successful sync requests.


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