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Role-based Permissions

You secure your App's data by defining roles that are automatically assigned to incoming user requests and Device Sync sessions. Each role has fine-grained data access permissions and dynamic conditions that determine when the role applies.

For examples of how you might configure permissions for common scenarios with Device Sync, see the Device Sync Permissions Guide.

A permission is a status that Atlas App Services assigns to individual users to control what they can and cannot do with your app's data. App Services uses both document-level and field-level permissions:

A role's document-level permissions determine which actions that affect the entire document can be performed. These permissions always apply to the entire document regardless of the content. A role can have the following document-level permissions:

  • Insert: You can insert new documents.

  • Delete: You can delete existing documents.

  • Search: You can search for the document using Atlas Search.

A role's field-level permissions determine whether a user can read or write fields within the document. These permissions only affect the field they apply to, so a user can have read or write access to only a subset of the entire document.

You can define field-level permissions for specific fields and default read/write permissions for any additional fields that you don't explicitly define.

The following diagram shows how App Services determines whether a user can read a given document:

Read permissions flowchart
click to enlarge

The following diagram shows how App Services determines whether a user can write a given document:

Write permissions flowchart
click to enlarge

A role is a named set of permissions that a user may have for documents in a MongoDB collection. A role has an "apply when" expression that determines whether App Services should assign the role to a user. Roles also have a set of document- and field-level permissions that a user has when assigned the role.

App Services only commits operations that a user is authorized to do based on their assigned role. If a role does not have permission to read a document or some of its fields, App Services omits the document or fields from the results.


Consider a collection named employees where each employee has their own document with all of their employment data. This collection might have two roles: Employee and Manager. We're not using Device Sync, so App Services selects a role on a per-document basis.

  • If a user requests their own document, their role is Employee. An employee can read and write their own data but can't create or delete their own documents.

  • If a user requests a document for someone whose name is listed in the user's manages arrays, their role is Manager. A manager can read and write their direct reports' data and can create and delete their documents.

  • If a user is neither an Employee nor a Manager for a given document, then they have no role and cannot read, write, or search that document.

"name": "Manager",
"apply_when": { "email": "%%user.custom_data.manages" },
"insert": true,
"delete": true,
"read": true,
"write": true,
"search": true,
"fields": {},
"additional_fields": {
"read": true,
"write": true
"name": "Employee",
"apply_when": { "email": "" },
"insert": false,
"delete": false,
"read": true,
"write": true,
"search": true,
"fields": {},
"additional_fields": {
"read": true,
"write": true
"_id": ObjectId(...),
"employeeId": "0528",
"name": "Phylis Lapin",
"team": "sales",
"email": "",
"manages": []
"_id": ObjectId(...),
"employeeId": "0713",
"name": "Stanley Hudson",
"team": "sales",
"email": "",
"manages": []
"_id": ObjectId(...),
"employeeId": "0865",
"name": "Andy Bernard",
"team": "sales",
"email": "",
"manages": [

App Services assigns roles at different times depending on whether you're using Device Sync (Flexible Mode) or not.

When using Device Sync, App Services assigns roles at the start of a Sync session for each collection to be synced. A Sync session is the period of time between opening and closing a Sync connection.

When not using Device Sync, App Services assigns roles on a per-document, per-request basis.

Whether using Device Sync or not, you can define a set of roles that are specific to collections and default roles that apply to any other unspecified collection. To assign a role, App Services evaluates each role's "apply when" expression in the order that you specified them. The first role whose "apply when" expression evaluates to true becomes the assigned role. If no role matches, access is denied.

The set of evaluated roles for a given request or Sync session depends on the collection the user is accessing. If you defined any collection-level roles for the collection, the collection-level roles are evaluated. Otherwise, the data source's default roles, if any, are evaluated.

App Services does not "fall back" to default roles if no collection-level role applies. If any collection-level role is defined, only collection-level roles are evaluated. Default roles are evaluated if and only if no collection-level roles were defined.

Role Assignment Flowchart
click to enlarge

When not using Device Sync, App Services dynamically assigns roles for every document. The user is assigned a separate role, or no role, for each document that matches the incoming query.

First, your App evaluates and applies filters and then runs the query.


The following request causes App Services to evaluate a role for every document in the restaurants collection where the city field is set to "Chicago":

{ "city": "Chicago" },
{ "$set": { "city": "Chicago, IL" } }

For each document returned by the query, your App evaluates possible roles in role order and assigns the first applicable role, if any. A role applies to a given document if its "apply when" expression evaluates to true when run against the document.


An employee will always be on their own team, so both the Employee and Teammate roles apply to them for their own document. However, they can use only one role, so we want to use Employee because it's more specific.

To configure this, specify Employee earlier than Teammate in the collection's role definitions:

Role definitions that specify Manager first, Employee second, and Teammate third.
"database": "<Database Name>",
"collection": "<Collection Name>",
"roles": [
{ "name": "Manager", ... },
{ "name": "Employee", ... },
{ "name": "Teammate", ... }

When using Device Sync, App Services assigns roles at the beginning of each Flexible Sync session for each synced collection. The role determines which permissions apply to each collection for the duration of a session.

App Services assigns at most one role per collection. If you did not specify roles for a given synced collection, App Services uses the default roles instead. If no role applies for a collection, the user cannot sync (or read or write) any entries in that collection.

A role stays assigned for the duration of the session. If something relevant to a user's session role changes in the middle of the user's session, the user is not assigned an updated role until they start a new session. For example, if the user's metadata or the role's "apply when" expression changes, the user continues to use the existing role for that collection until the next time they start a session.

There are some special considerations when using Device Sync with regard to the permissions system. See Device Sync-Compatible Permissions.

For a guide to setting up Flexible Sync with common permissions models, see the Device Sync Permissions Guide.

A role's "apply when" expression is a rule expression that determines whether the role should be assigned.

You can use expression variables to make roles dynamic. For example, you can use the %%user expansion to refer to the specific user that issued the request. This lets you customize your data access permissions on a per-user basis.

When not using Device Sync, you can refer to the current document for which a role is being assigned. For example, you can use %%root. This lets you customize your data access permissions on a per-document basis.

The role's document_filters expressions determine whether the role's subsequent document- and field-level permissions may be evaluated at all. This is required for Device Sync.

Note: App Services evaluates document filters on a per-document basis. These are not to be confused with the top-level query filters.

The roles for a given collection each have a position that determines the order in which they are evaluated and applied. Each role's apply when expression is evaluated in role order until a role applies or no roles remain.

A user may only have one role per document in a given query. Role order determines which role applies in the event that multiple roles' "apply when" expressions are true. Therefore, when defining roles, put the most specific roles first.

If Device Sync (Flexible Mode) is enabled, an assigned role must be sync compatible. See Sync-Compatible Roles for details.

You can configure your app's data access rules from the App Services UI or by deploying configuration files with App Services CLI:

  1. Click Rules in the left navigation menu and then select a collection from the data source's collection list. You can also select Default roles and filters to configure default rules for the entire cluster.

    If no roles are defined yet, you'll be prompted to create a new one. Otherwise you'll see an ordered list of existing roles.

  2. Click Add role to define a new role. You can use a preset role as a starting point or click Skip (start from scratch).

  3. Give the role a name. The name can be anything you want but must be unique within a given collection. Consider using names that describe the user and/or their relationship to the data. For example, Admin or Owner.

  4. Define an "apply when" expression that determines when a given user has the role for a given document.

  5. Define document-level permissions for the role.

  6. Define document filters for the role. This is required for Device Sync (Flexible Mode).

  7. Use the drop-down to select field-level permissions for the role. If you select Specify field-level permissions, enter the field names you wish to define permissions for.

    For each field you name and for Additional Fields, specify permissions by selecting either None, Read, or Read & Write.

  8. Save the role.

  9. If a collection has more than one role assigned, you can modify the role order by clicking the arrows on each role.

  1. Pull the latest version of your app.

    appservices pull --remote="<Your App ID>"
  2. Define roles and filters for one or more collections. You can also define default roles and filters that apply to any unconfigured collection. See Rule Configuration for details.

    /data_sources/<data source>/<database>/<collection>/rules.json
    "database": "<Database Name>",
    "collection": "<Collection Name>",
    "roles": [
    "name": "<Role Name>",
    "apply_when": {},
    "document_filters": {
    "read": { <Expression> },
    "write": { <Expression> }
    "insert": true,
    "delete": true,
    "search": true,
    "fields": {
    "myField": { "read": true, "write": true }
    "additional_fields": { "read": true, "write": true }
    "filters": [
    "name": "<Filter Name>",
    "apply_when": {},
    "query": {},
    "projection": {}
    /data_sources/<data source>/default_rule.json
    "roles": [
    "name": "<Role Name>",
    "apply_when": {},
    "document_filters": {
    "read": { <Expression> },
    "write": { <Expression> }
    "insert": true,
    "delete": true,
    "search": true,
    "fields": {
    "myField": { "read": true, "write": true }
    "additional_fields": { "read": true, "write": true }
    "filters": [
    "name": "<Filter Name>",
    "apply_when": {},
    "query": {},
    "projection": {}
  3. Deploy your app.

    appservices push


Security Consideration for App Services Role-based Permissions

While Role-based Permissions and Filters can hide specific documents and fields within a collection there is a potential that data can be exposed if the system allows arbitrary queries to access the collection.

For example, queries or functions that raise errors depending on the values stored in a collection (such as division-by-zero errors) may reveal information about documents, even if a role or filter prevents the querying user from viewing documents directly. Users may also make inferences about the underlying data in other ways (such as by measuring query execution time, which can be affected by the data's distribution).

Be aware that this is possible and audit your data access patterns where neccessary.